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9 Months Later. Alec

I smiled at my wonderful boyfriend of almost a year. He's been amazing lately. We don't have sex that often, though. When we do, it's amazing, but feels like I'm just a quick fuck. My arm healed nicely and doesn't hurt that often.

"Babe?" he asked.

"Yea?" I asked.

"I asked you if you were okay, darling." He hasn't called me by my name in months.

"Yeah. Just thinking." I said. His phone started ringing.

"I gotta take this." He said and got up. He walked out. "Hey baby." He said. "No. I'm with Alec. I'll be there soon. He doesn't know. I don't want to hurt him. Actually I could care less. He was just an experiment. I only want you Renee. I'll see you later. Bye love." I heard. He walked back in.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"Tell you what?"

"Don't play dumb. You aren't the quietest. How long have you been cheating on me?"

"Ten months. I never meant to hurt you."

"Or you never meant for me to find out. I've seen signs, I just didn't want to believe them. We don't have sex as often. You almost always reject me when I try to be intimate with you. You always leave. You haven't called me my name in months. Sex feels like I'm a quick fuck and you don't want to have sex with me at all. You smell different. You haven't taken me anywhere in months. When I want to go somewhere, you say you're tired or already have plans. You're always on that phone. We don't take showers together. You haven't said you love me in months. I don't see you for lunch. I usually sleep on the couch. I'm done Tyler. You want Renee, go for it. I'll just move out, she can take my place. I'll get a job and try to enjoy life." I said. I got up and went to his room. I shut and locked the door.

I picked up my phone. "Hey mom." I said when she answered. "Can I come home?"

"Of course. What happened sweetie?"

"I'll tell you when I get there. Can I stay?"

"Of course." She said.

"Thanks. I'll see you soon." I said. I started to get my stuff together. Luckily, it wasn't much. I grabbed my last thing, phone charger, and zipped the bag. I slung it over my shoulder and went to the door. I walked out, ignoring all of Tyler's pleas.

I don't need a cheater. I'll find someone perfect. Someone who loves me. Someone who treats me right. I walked out of the hotel and got in my car. I smelt perfume and sprayed my axe. I pulled out and drove home. I walked in and saw my mom.

"Hey." I said.

"What happened?"

"Well..." I said. I explained everything about the last 10 months. She looked pissed.

"I'm going to kill him." She said.

"Kill who?" James chimed in.

"Your son." She said. She started explaining things to him.

"Why the hell would he do that?" he asked.

"Because I'm me." I said under my breath.



"Is Alec here?" I heard Ty's voice.

"Leave me alone. Please, Tyler." I said.

"I can explain."

"That conversation between you and Renee was enough. You threw me away. It doesn't matter anymore." I said. "Leave me alone. Get the F out of my life because everything you've told me was a lie."

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