Chapter 20:

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Steve: We sat in Sam’s dining room, eating breakfast. “So the question is, who at SHIELD could launch a domestic missile strike?”

 I thought for a minute. More like three second. “Peace,” I said.

 “Who happens to be sitting on top of the most secure building in the world,” she said.

 “He’s not working alone,” I pointed out, “Zola’s algorithm was on the Lemurian Star.”

 “So was Jasper Sitwell,” Romanoff pointed out.

 “So the real question is how do the  two of the most wanted in Washington kidnap a SHIELD agent in broad daylight?” I asked.

 “The answer is, you don’t,” Sam said, dropping a file on the table.

 “What’s this?” I asked.

 “Call it a resume,” Sam said, crossing his arms.

 “Is this Bakhmala?” Romanoff asked, “The Khalid Kondile mission. That was you?” To me she said, “You didn’t say he was a Para Rescue.” She showed me a picture of Sam and another guy dressed in fatigues and vests in the middle of a desert.

 “Is this Riley?” I asked Sam.

 “Yeah,” he said.

 “I heard they couldn’t bring in the Choppers because the RPG’s were so high,” Romanoff said, “What did you use? A stealth chute?”

 “No,” Sam said, “These,” he handed over another file. EXO- FALCON.

 I took one look at the picture and realized Sam was the perfect man for the job. “I thought you said you were a Pilot.”

 “I never said pilot,” Sam said.

 “I can’t ask you to do this Sam,” I said, “You got out for a good reason.

 “Man, Captain America is asking for my help. Ain’t no better reason to get back in,” Sam said.

 “Where can we get our hands on one of these?” I asked.

 “The last on is at Fort Meade, behind three guarded gates and a twelve inch steel wall,” Sam said.

 “Shouldn’t be a problem,” I said, dropping the file. We came up with a plan. Sam would get Sitwell to us, where we would interrogate him, and then use him to get into SHIELD and stop Project Insight. Simple enough. In theory.

 The first part was easy. Sam got Sitwell to us in no time. To be totally honest I didn’t know how he did it, but he did. He was up on the roof with Romanoff and I in no time.

 “Tell me about Zola’s algorithm,” I said, only after throwing him out the door.

 “Never heard of it,” Sitwell said frantically.

 “What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?” I asked.

“I was throwing up. I get seasick,” he said. Hit the edge of the roof and lost his balance. I grabbed him by his collar. He smiled. “Is this supposed to represent that you can throw me off the roof. Because that’s really not your style Rodgers.”

“You’re right,” I said, making sure he had his balance, “It’s hers.” Romanoff kicked him in the gut so hard he fell backwards screamed.

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