Chapter 23:

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Tasha: "Where's Steve?" I asked Hill when we met up again. The last ship was gone, and I had a sickening feeling in my stomach.

"No word, " Hill said.

"Great," I muttered. First my AI. Now possibly my boyfriend.

We started around the edges of the Platomac in the Helicopter. "Why aren't you flying?" Hill asked.

"My AI has been knocked out," I said.

"Sorry about that," Sam said.

"You couldn't have done anything, " I said, waving it off.

"So how long have you and Steve been a thing?" Romanoff asked.

"DC," I said, "How long have you known?"

"Since we were on our way to Zola, about a day ago," Romanoff shrugged.

"You realize he's, like, 7 times your age right?" Hill asked.

"We're more friends than anything," I admitted.

"Nope," Sam said, "I'm his friend. He pushed me into this. He tried to do everything to convince you out of it."

I looked out my window, seeing a red and white striped suit. "There!" I said. We landed.

A few hours later we were in the hospital. "We want to keep him in a coma for a few days, just until the pain subsides a little," the doctor said.

"What about drugs," I asked.

"They don't work. We gave him the max dose and he was still showing signs of pain," the doctor said, "At least if he's out he can't feel it."

I nodded. I decided to go down for something to eat. "Mind if I tag along?" Sam asked. I shrugged, in a gesture for him to come on. I pressed the down button on the elevator, and we waited.

"You seem to know your way around a hospital," Sam said, trying to make casual conversation.

"Their all the same," I said, a note of finality in my voice.

"You spend a lot of time in hospitals?" Sam asked.

"My mom died of cancer, so of course," I said.

"Sorry," Sam said.

"Don't be," I said.

"You must hate hospitals then?" Sam asked.

"Not as much as you'd think," I said, "Dead people don't go to hospitals. Only living. If we were in a hospital, it meant my mom was still living. If we weren't it meant there was nothing they could do for her, or she was in remission."

"Interesting point of view," Sam said, "What kind of cancer?"

"Started off Breast. Finished off in the lungs," I explained.

"How old were you," Sam asked, "When she was diagnosed?"

"13. Middle of Junior year," I said.

"Wow," Sam said, "How long?"

"Three years," I said, "I moved in with Tony a few weeks later."

"Wow," Sam said, "I almost forgot you were Tony Stark's daughter."

"Yeah," I said, "I don't get my smarts from nowhere."

"I suppose," Sam said, "Are you going to be a superhero without your AI?"

"Well, I'll fix her. I built her once, and I can do it again. The trick will be finding a workshop with the capabilities..." I trailed off.

"If you need to borrow my car, go ahead," Sam offered, "But if you could do me a favor?"

"What sort?" I asked.

"Could you fix my suit too? I sort of borrowed it from the US government," Sam said.

"No problem," I shrugged, "You know, the Avengers could probably use a guy like you."

"I'd consider it, if SHIELD asked," Sam said. I smiled.

"I'll fix your suit," I said, "I'm a little curious. The design is amazing."

"Thanks," Sam said.

"I'll make you one too," I said, "It's not every day the Avengers find a guy like you."

Sam looked at me, shocked. He stumbled over whatever words he was trying to say. I smiled. I took his keys. "Thanks."

I went out the garage, found a SHIELD vehicle. Rental I supposed. His had probably been taken out. I started the engine and started driving.

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