One - A dragon in the North

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            The sound of the footsteps behind the door pulled her out of her thoughts

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            The sound of the footsteps behind the door pulled her out of her thoughts. She was staring at the ceiling laying under three layers of fur that failed to keep her warm. Her toes and the tip of her nose were numbed by the cold. She sat on the edge of the bed and felt, the arms of the chilling air that filled the chamber, wrapping around her. He's coming back, Sansa thought.
She reached for the hand mirror, made of silver, that once belonged to her mother, and looked into it. Her reflection revealed swollen eyes underlined with a mix of blue and purple and the hollows on her cheeks were a little bit deeper than they were the day before that.
There was a knock on the door , « you can come in, Keelin, » she said. « Forgive me, milady, but it is almost midday... and, Lady Arya said it shouldn't be long before His grace's arrival, » said the handmaiden, while rubbing her fingers together. Sansa didn't answer, she kept starring into the mirror. Keelin started again « I thought I would help you get ready milady... » « My bath? » said Sansa. « It is drawn milady. Nice and warm as you like it. »

After Keelin was done taking the knots out of Sansa's auburn locks, she started braiding her hair as usual, «No, —» she interrupted her, «—I want it like they wear it in the free cities.» Keelin was from a village near Deep Motte. Winterfell was as far south as she had ever been, she had no idea how women were or how they looked like in the capitol, not to mention how they did across the narrow sea. « Make more braids and tie them in the back, —» Sansa said, « — Like this, » she used a movement of her wrist to show her what she meant.

While sitting on a soft leather stool, getting her hair done, her spirit dived away, back in the past. One of the things Sansa had learnt during her time in KingsLanding, is that in order to destroy your enemies, you had to know them better they know themselves, and when it came to the dragon queen, Sansa was determined to to get to know her well.

Arya had been standing on the battlements since the crack of dawn

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Arya had been standing on the battlements since the crack of dawn. Rubbing her hands together. Swinging her sword. It didn't feel that long though. She'd been waiting for Jon to return far longer than she had been up here, and finally today this wait would come to an end. She squinted, trying to see deeper in the horizon but there was nothing but a vast hill covered in blinding snow. She stood on her tiptoes to try and look over it, but she was way too short.

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