Six - Two of a kind

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Daenerys pressed the note to her heart and smiled, like a maid with a love letter from the knight she was promised to

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Daenerys pressed the note to her heart and smiled, like a maid with a love letter from the knight she was promised to. It was a map drawn on the piece of paper. A dotted line showing the way from her chambers to somewhere near the stables. There was no signature, no name on it but she was certain of its author. She folded te letter and hurried out of her chambers. The cold wind slapped her face when she stepped outside, making her body shiver, she had left the room in such a hurry she forgot to put her coat on. She crossed her arms, trying to keep warm and quickened the pace. It was dark and silent all around, the snow had covered the yard in a beautiful white blanket that she messed up with every step she took. The path on the map led across the yard, to the stables, is he going to gift me a horse she thought men like to give me horses. Or ships. She chuckled.

The dull moonlight lighted the way ahead. She pushed the little gate and walked to the horse stalls to her left. It called upon her whole body weight to get the massive wooden door to open. The horses fluttered their nostrils and snorted as she pushed it open and when she poked her head through, it was so dark she could only see the outlines of things. It was only horses and chaff. No one in sight.

She let go of the door and looked at the northern night surrounding her, the darkest night she had ever seen. The fresh fallen snow had already covered her steps. It laid gracefully on the ground filling the wholes on the pearly cloak, and sprinkled on her head crowning her with a wintry tiara, giving her the look, if not the title, of Queen in the North. Snowflakes got caught on her lashes and her attention on the footprints that disturbed the integrity of the northern sand. Still no one in sight, but she was not alone.

She started to walk away. At first slowly. Then quicker. Right now, coming here sounded like the dumbest idea, following an unsigned note  slipped under my door, what was I thinking? And quicker. The excitement that brought her here beat a hasty retreat and fear crossed her face as she rushed to the gate, It felt much further than when she had come in, and she wholeheartedly wished she never had come in the first place.

Behind her, the snow crunched under someone's feet.

Her heart was pounding in her chest and with her fists clenched, she turned around to face it.
She wished for Drogon and Rhaegal. Her children without whom she was, all over again, the frightened child she once were. Daenerys feared the worst while she watched a man's silhouette coming at her.

She let out a sigh of relief when the face she saw looked familiar. Jon standing in front of her, his hair slicked in a man bun. The gloom made it hard for her to see him well but still she thought he was handsome. Her lips were trembling « it's you, » she tried to catch her breath. « You came out here in the middle of the night not knowing who you were to meet? » he said. She sighted deeply, letting the pressure down, she opened her fists and the wrinkled note fell on the snow. « Why are we here? »

He put a hand to her cheek and smiled, « come, » he said. Her frozen fingers burnt his skin when he took her hand. They walked around where they keep the horses, right behind there was a wooden hut where the hostler stayed back in the day. « Does it get any colder? » said Daenerys struggling with the unkind weather, « Aye — » he replied, « — but we've got ways to keep warm.» « Would you be kind enough to share them with me before I freeze to death ?» « It would be my honor »
He pulled the door open and let her in first.

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