Fifteen - Hiraeth

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                                  After a loud knock on the door, ser Jorah entered the Queen's chamber without being announced

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After a loud knock on the door, ser Jorah entered the Queen's chamber without being announced. Him and Daenerys had come a long way together, and were far past the formalities of status. « Come in, » he overheard her say from inside the room. Daenerys stood by the window on the opposite side of the room as he pushed the door open. Her white furry coat laid on the edge of the bed and blended with the other furs on it. A subtle candle lit up the space with a nice sheen as an intense fire burned in the cheminee. The room was warm and had a welcoming woody smell.
Her face lit up with joy when she turned around. Jorah loved to see that his presence made her happy.

« Khaleesi, » he bowed so low it hurt at the back of his thighs.
« Ser Jorah, —» she smiled, as he laid a gentle kiss on the back of her hand, «— how does it feel to be back home after all these years ? »
« I never thought I'd see the North again. It is as authentic and winsome as it used to be. And the northerners ... —» he smirked, «— Have they grown on you yet? »
She tilted her head as she smiled, « I wish they were more like you, »
« Give them some time, they'll warm up to you, »
« I'll consider myself lucky if they stop spitting down when I walk by »
« The North has suffered greatly at the hands of southerners so... they are leery of strangers, but believe me if you win their trust, you'll have their loyalty forever » he said, with grit.
She shook her head, « I could never do that without the Stark sisters support, and... I doubt I could ever get it, —» she dropped her arms and sight, «— The people here worship the Starks more than they do their gods. I've never seen such devotion and we've only been here for two days.»
« I have. » he cut her off as she stared back at him, « The Dothraki had never known a Khaleesi to be more than the Khal's wife, yet you are their leader. They had never crossed a see, and here they are. The unsullied were barely human before you happened to them. All these people followed you to Westeros to fight in a war that never was theirs, out of devotion and love for you Khaleesi. And so am I. —» he marked a pause, «— When Arya and Sansa Stark get a glance of what I've seen of you, they'll come to love you, as did their brother. And the North will be yours. »
She couldn't help but smile, « Every time I talk to you it all seems a bit easier, thank you for your counsel Ser Jorah, truly. »

He smiled to her before his chin dipped down and he rubbed the back of his neck. « Khaleesi, —» he cleared his throat, «— I have a favor to ask you, if you will, »

« Anything, » she said honestly.

He looked away, and sigh deeply, « Thirty four years ago when I was chased away from Westeros, I left behind a wife. I have never told you that but, she was a fine Lady from the South, —» he looked down as his lips slightly curled up «— Lynesse Hightower of Oldtown. —» he said melodically, «— She'd been raised in gold jewelry and lavish dresses of Dornish silk... In the North, the wealth is spent into the provisions, to ensure there's always enough to pass the winter. Even as the Lord of Bear Island I could never give her the life she was used to, but having an unhappy wife by my side wasn't something I was able to bear. —» he shook his head. «— I was fond of her with those mousy brown hair of hers and the smile she'd have on her face when I'd hand her a present. »he smiled, «I would've done anything for that smile, and in all truth, I could've done much worse than snuggling slaves. —» he said with a hint of shame. «— I always thought Lynesse would return to Oldtown after I was banished, she had never gotten used to the North, she missed the Reach's beautiful weather and her sister. She used to miss her sister a lot. —» he nodded, «— My cousin Lyanna, the lady of bear island, has just informed me that she had never left and stays at the castle still. I have to confess that the years have faded the memory of her face, I'd like to see it once again. » he said as his eyes plunged into Danny's.

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