Ten - Minds win more fights

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               Escorted by the Mountain, Cersei was headed towards a place she never used to visit, in truth the Queen hardly ever left the confort of the Red Keep

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Escorted by the Mountain, Cersei was headed towards a place she never used to visit, in truth the Queen hardly ever left the confort of the Red Keep. The sun had set in the capitol and the windows of the castle were lit with a thousand candles. Had she been a naive and hopeful little child, she might have made up dreamy tales in her head about brave knights courting happy princesses behind one of the windows. Cersei hasn't been a child in very long though, she knew princesses were never happy and "knight" was just a fancy name for butcher. She held her hands together as she walked so the long sleeves of her lavish emerald dress wouldn'ttouch the disgusting floor on which the commoners had stepped on. They got to a rusty iron door, too low for the Mountain to get in without bending. Behind it, a dark and humid hallway went on as far as the eye could see. The mosty smell of the damp stone path took her back to the endless days and nights she had spent in the cell under the Great Sept of Bailor. It was a great hardship but Cersei was pleased it had happened for it taught her a crucial lesson.

« I walked down the filthiest streets of the city, naked, had peasants spitting at me, kitchen maidens looking down on me, and they were thrilled, they'd point at me and laugh. » she said, out of nowhere, her eyes lost in the endless corridor, « But their eyes... do you know what I saw in them, Ser Gregor? »
Their steps were ponctuated by the clanging sound of his heavy armour, she turned her head to him, « Hate. Their whole weight in hate. » she paused, « It seemed like it was the only thing that kept them going. I realized, people are driven by hate. And they, have a hate so deep, so old, it could be used in our favor.» The Mountain kept walking in silence at the same pace and as was his wont, didn't let anything through. « Not so loud, ser Gregor. I can hear you think. I know it's me they hate. » she said, « Or that's what they think. Really, they just hate themselves and their worthless, miserable lives, but it feels better to take it out on something else so they go on hating the crown. It would only take a simple switch and poof, » she opened her fists and wiggled her fingers « — they'd be cursing someone else.
I don't have the time nor the energy to make them love me, the sacks of potatoes I had given to them won't make it go away. All these years of being looked down on, being the dutiful wife, the examplary daughter, the loving mother, all these years I didn't have a voice thaught me to work with what I had. I have hate. And I will use it to my benefit. »

They arrived to a wooden door, same height as the one they went through when coming in. Ser Gregor pushed it open and the Queen walked into a large room with long tables on each side, dozens of women sitting at them, sewing using black and red threads. At the back of the room, armourers were refining a sigil on the pauldrons and the breastplates. From where she stood, she tried to look at their work, she turned her head to the right, where sat an elderly woman with a crooked spine, the poor woman was so focused on her work she didn't notice neither the Mountain or Cersei.

« My Queen! » a loud and raspy voice burst in her ears, « —We didn't expect the honor of your visit, » Euron said, while walking towards her, and greeted her with an overplayed bow. She rolled her eyes and turned to him, without saying a word.
« Best hands of the seven kingdoms. They sew twice as fast as the others. » he leaned closely towards her, « — I handpicked them myself to make sure her Grace gets what is best... »
He stood so close she could feel his breath on her cheek, Cersei didn't back off, instead she looked him in the eyes until he leaned back away. « When will it be done? » her voice was dry.
« Very soon, only a matter of days »
« It cant wait that long. »
« Have patience, your Grace, » he came closer again « I can be of service to help pass the time, many say, nights spent in my company seem as short as a dwarf's cock! » he smirked.
« I hope this night you spend in your own company will be. You'll remain here until it's done. Since your smallfolk work twice as fast as the average, they should be done by sunrise, » she turned and started walking away. Euron followed her and rambled about the timing being too short. She didn't listen to a word he said, she kept staring at the old woman with the crooked spine, on her way out. This time, the grandma noticed the Queen looking at her and gave her smile that showed her teethless mouth. Euron stood behind her, waiting for an answer, « Your Gr- »
« When they're done,» she cut him off « — kill them all.» with a head tilt she pointed at the old woman, « See this one, » she asked « — kill her first. So she doesn't know what has happened. And make it quick. »

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