Eight - Anger and all that hides beneath

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         The ladies were queuing to choose their weapons, several options were displayed in wooden containers but their knowledge of poems and skills in stitching couldnt help them choose

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         The ladies were queuing to choose their weapons, several options were displayed in wooden containers but their knowledge of poems and skills in stitching couldnt help them choose. The spears seemed too bold, the long swords too manly, the dothraki arakhs impossible to manage. Even though some felt confident enough to chose one that seemed right for themselves, most were drawn to the short sword. A more delicate version of the swords they saw their husbands and brothers use. Smaller but just as deadly and perfectly lady-like. Shortly after the pretty Lady Forrester of Ironrath picked one for herself, the bin was empty and women with dark bladed swords started exiting the forge.
A curly haired girl stood in front of the bins, grimacing and scratching her head.
Gendry walked up to her, «May I offer my help, Lady ..?» She rose her head to a rather good looking man, though she mainly noticed the kindness in his eyes. «Meera. Lady Meera. But you... you don't have to call me ... I mean ... —» she shook her head and gave him a half smile « — Just Meera.» «Those gloves cant belong to just Meera. Unless just Meera is just a thief, » he gave her a gentle smile, as she lowered her head and chuckled.
«So how can I help you, Just Meera? »
« I cant use any of these properly, » she said.
«We'll make more short swords very soon, —» he reassured her, « Im sure you will feel more confortable with it, like the other ladies »
« I'm an archer. I don't need a short sword I need arrows. »
Gendrys forehead wrinkled «We do have them, — » he walked behind the counter and brought a bin full of black arrows «— its just that, it takes years to be almost descent at archery so I thought it was better not to propose it to women who, I figured, had never held a bow before.» Meera took out her quiver and packed as many arrows it could fit. She hanged it on her shoulder and grabbed the bow Gendry handed her, « Thank you, ..? »
« Gendry. Just Gendry, » he smiled.
«Thank you, — » her eyes lowered « — just Gendry, » her face lit up with a shy smile before she left. He turned around to offer his help to another woman but had to glance back to watch her walk away.

Arya hadn't taken her eyes off of him. She was still leaning against the wall but Sansa had joined her. The sisters had nothing in common aside from their last name yet it was enough for people to compare them to one another all the time. As ones of the highest born ladies of the seven kingdoms certain standards were expected of them. It had always come naturally to Sansa which couldn't be said of Arya.

Her courtesies may have resembled those of a three year old, but she could slit your throat before you blinked an eye. Swordsmanship wasn't an art for ladies yet today, they were to be judge and compared on that matter. For once it would be in Aryas favor.
«You should go pick something out, »
« I don't know which one to pick» said Sansa.
Arya's eyes were stuck on Gendry, following his every moves the whole time. He gesticulated vividly and babbled, explaining to a tall blond the particular shape of the arakh.
She found ridiculous. Ughh. He's waisting everyone's time rambling, she thought. In what world would a proper lady ever fight with a Dothraki blade.
« Ask the blacksmith. He'll be happy to help,» she barked.
Sansa glimpsed at her and lips curled up into a smile. Was it jealousy she perceived ? With all she had been dealing with lately she hadn't given a thought to it. Arya never used to talk about boys unless it had to do with fighting. Life had taken them through different paths and maybe somewhere along the way her little sister had become a woman, though she hoped with all her heart her experience was different from her own.
The moment of silence was short but defeaning. Arya didn't look up, she felt the blood rushing to her cheeks and her face turning red.
In an attempt to draw the attention away, she  reached for her pretty dagger and juggled it in one hand, « how does it feel to be the lesser stark daughter, » she asked.
Sansa's face still had a smirk on it, « I wouldn't know, — » she said « — Once I'm done training with Brienne it's over for you. I'll be better at everything. »
They glanced at each other and laughed.

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