Twelve - The sword is part of your arm

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          Cersei stood at the balcony, her eyes stuck on the horizon while the view unraveled the entire city

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          Cersei stood at the balcony, her eyes stuck on the horizon while the view unraveled the entire city.
The sun shined bright in Kingslanding and the yellow birds in the cage next to her, sang beautiful melodies.
It was, for what most would consider, a beautiful day. Not for Cersei. She thought sunny days were distractions the Gods pulled off to scheme. This time was no exception, except she was the one plotting against her city. Because see, the people of Kingslanding didn't carry her in their hearts, and frankly Cersei couldn't care less how a panhandler could feel about her. The circumstances though, had made their support an essential piece to her thriumph and welfare, so Cersei had made it a priority to gain their unconditional support. Not by love, or devotion nor even gratitude. These were never the reasons people stood to their deaths in battle. People fight for a cause, something they believe in.. and if you mix it up with a little hate, then you got yourself the cocktail of loyalty. Early on this month, she had gathered the people to tell them about the aggressor coming to take what they held the dearest and convince them that this was the ultimate enemy they must fight. Well, today was the day she would make sure they started believing that, even if they didn't before.

For weeks now she had been perfecting the details of her plan. When she would give the order, her men would wear their new armors and brandish their new banners, red and black with a flying dragon and freshly sewed by her orders, they would ride down to Flea Bottom while everyone is asleep and raid the entire village. They would sack their homes and burn them down, many would die. In the morning, those who have survived would go out and tell their neighbors how a cavalry of men wearing red and black destroyed their village. At some point, someone who has the slightest knowledge of the ancient Houses sigils would mention the Targaryens. Eventually, their reasoning would lead them to believe this was an attack orchestrated by the one, Queen Cersei had warned them about. And then, without her having to do anything at all or them ever noticing, their hatred would shift from her to Daenerys, exactly how she had planned it.

Indeed, she might have little compassion but Cersei never lacked the wits.

Indeed, she might have little compassion but Cersei never lacked the wits

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« Tell Jamie to Gather the soldiers at dawn. They strike at first light. » ordered the Queen, with a rare smile on her face.
The guard didn't move, nor speak. Instead he stood in the doorway of the Royal chamber, his eyes ran around avoiding Cersei's look. The boy is young, she thought, he's terrified.
« You can leave now » she gave a dismissive wave of her hand. Still, he was at the door, this time mumbling something under his breath. She came closer, « I can't hear you, boy »
He lift up his eyes only to find her staring at him, and lowered them again. She was so near he could smell her perfume, strong, woodsy, with a hint of spice. He took a deep breath, « Ser Jamie isn't here, —» his voice trembled « — your Grace »
Her brows creased, « Well, find him ! »
The boy took another deep breath, « Yo-Your Grace, ser Jamie has left Kingslanding, d-days ago. »

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