Chapter 2 - One baby dragon

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A/N Last time they got a mission to raise a baby dragon so our heros are on their way to the forest of dragons. Ps I know I skipped a few classes but I hope you don't mind

Are we there yet Joy asked she was getting impatient, and so was the rest of them they had flown for what felt like 4 hours but was only 40 minutes
There I see an egg Ling Ling Said, But it's guarded Travis said. That's okay I love challenges Ling Ling exclaimed. Rose I need a distraction to lure the dragon mom away, Hawk and Astoria you trap it, and Joy and Travis you prepare a safe space to transport it back to Regal Academy she ordered.
They did it And Ling Ling used her fan magic to lift the egg that were giving the least attention to. Guys I've got it now let's head back She said.

When they returned they made dinkus (Rose's dragon ) watch after it, and she did it happily after a bit persuasion from Rose. Hawk came up behind Rose to scare her a little after what she had teased him earlier on today. But just as he was about to scare her she turned around, he hadn't noticed how close he had gotten their faces were inches away from each other. She was so close he could kiss her, he blushed hard and she was flustered. But before he could do anything she turned around because she heard Travis call her. School was done for today so they had to head home. Bye Hawk she said and wandered of. Hawk followed them with his eyes, he knew he liked her but should he tell her. He was afraid to, what if she didn't like him the way he liked her.

Rose followed Travis through the gate home to earth, She knew that but the looks of it to the outsiders they looked like a couple. But she knew he loved Ling Ling, and saw her as the sister he never had. And she had it the same way it was nice to have someone other than her parents look out for her, She considered Travis the brother she never had. He followed her to her doorstep See you tomorrow at school Rose Travis said. Yeah see ya tomorrow she replied. When she entered her home she grabbed a piece of pumpkin pie and went to her room saying hi to her mom on the way.

She ate the pie and then threw herself face first into her bed. She was still embarrassed about almost bumping into Hawk, they were so close she could have kisses him she thought. Oh Gigi I'm so embarrassed I like him but I'm certain he doesn't like me the way i like him. What should i do, squeak. Gigi replied while cuddling Rose's hand. You right Gigi everything will work out just fine. Rose dinner is ready her mom called, coming mom she answered.

The next day she woke up early got dressed and double checked she was fully dressed, went down and got some breakfast. When she was done she kisses her mom and dad on the cheek and went to Travis's house. Morning Rose you are early today Mrs.B said, well Travis is probably still sleeping Mr.B added. He handed her a bat, here you might need this to wake him Mr.B said. Okay and thank you for the tips Mr and Mrs. B Rose said. It took 2 years but she is finally calling us Mr and Mrs. B instead of Mr and Mrs Travis parents he said to his wife.

Rose walked to Travis room but he wasn't sleeping, instead she saw him working on a painting af Ling Ling. wow Travis it is beautiful Rose said while admiring the painting . Thanks Rose I'm working on it for her birthday next Tuesday. That is so thoughtful of you travis she said and hugged him. I wish I had a nice boyfriend like that, who were considerate and sweet. Yeah but he is gonna have to impress me if want to date my fake sister. And if he does anything to hurt you I swear imma scare him away, I am a beast after all he said in big fashion. Thanks Travis Rose said giggling. Now hurry up we need to go to school.

They hurried and got to the alleyway. Travis said the magic words today, and he did it all right so they didn't fall from the sky today.

They meet up with the others Travis went straight to Ling Ling and Rose went to Astoria. Hey Rose your are early today she said she sounded so proud. She probably were considering this was the first time she ever were early. Well it's thanks to Gigi I got up so early, she said giving her mouse friend some credit. Travis and Ling Ling if you are leaving you better be at the class on time Astoria said firmly. Of course Astoria Ling Ling replied. Rose waited to they were gone to tell the remains of the group her idea. Guys I think we should hold a surprise party for Ling Ling on her birthday. That is a frogtastic idea Rose
Joy said, yeah it is Hawk said. You think so she said while Rose was chatting with Hawk. Joy and Astoria sneaked away Astoria why did we sneak away Joy asked. Joy look at those to they like each other so much it is obvious she said. Yeah a shame they are so oblivious they don't see it Joy replied

A-Astoria a voice said oh hey Shawn she said what's up she began to blush. Well I w-was thinking if you would like to hang out with me later today. He blushed as soon as he said it. Sure I would love to Shawn she answered meet me at the dragon arena after school she said. Ok, it's a date I-I mean it's a deal he said sheepishly. Oh my grade did shawn just ask me on a date she exclaimed she was so excited.

In their 2nd last class they had etiquette lesson with Headmistress. Cinderella
They were dancing and practicing the proper way to sit and eat at a fine dinner. Students attention I have a special announcement, we will be having a ball in two weeks please bring a date preferably from your own team , and remember you'll be graded. Now class dismissed. Guys let's get going we don't wanna be late for the baby dragon hatching Astoria shouted.

They all agreed to use a bit of all their magic to hatch the dragon so it would like them all equally. But when the egg hatched it flew straight to Rose and demanded food. And she as the angel she is fed it. Ling Ling will you go out and get some more hay for his bed Rose asked nicely. As soon as she was gone they began planning her birthday.

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