Chapter 11 - Unknown fate

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A/N I am sorry for keeping you waiting. And sorry for any spelling mistakes.

As Rose trained with Wise and all the others, she could feel her power becoming stronger. She was a bit concerned, the others noticed because she didn't smile often these days. She wanted to be better so she could protect her friends. When Rose showed up to her night lesson with Wise, she had no idea what to expect. Last week it was something called midnight magic. It was quite useful it gave her longer time to train, she never missed her homework anymore. And what Rose had grown most fond off, she could sleep as long as she wanted to. At least as long as she casted a spell on the alarm making it stop at 7 am in the morning. There was only a couple days till her coronation, Rose still didn't get why she had to be crowned. Crown princess Rose Cinderella of the Cinderella family.

# With Vicky #

It isn't long until the Cinderella is going to be crowned, on her coronation that's when we hit her she explained to Cyrus. What am I going to do Cyrus asked. You are going to keep the teachers distracted while I "accidentally " drop a power enhancer option. She wont be able to control the owerwelmneing power. And then I can absorb her powers with the spell I created. Finally I will be the greatest  villain of all, wicked said. You could see a spark of insanity in her evil eyes.

♡ With Rose ♡
She continued training and because of her midnight magic, she became the 2nd best student in the school. This of course gave Astoria a hunch, she liked the prepared Rose but it was not likely her on her own. School was stressed even Astoria had a hard time, finding time for anything else than studying. Hawk was a tad sad he didn't get to spend time with Rose. Rose was a bit sad about it as well, and decided to show Hawk to the secret garden. She walked over to him during school one day and asked if he had time, sure he said looking a bit confused. She then proceeded to drag him with her by his wrist, on the way there she left go of his wrist so that could hold hands. "where are you taking me he asked her ". To my safe haven she answered. When they came to the bush, Rose explained to a confused Hawk how she found it. She used her key and they climbed down there. Rose cast a silent midnight magic spell, to make time go slower everywhere except in the garden. "Ah this must be the famous Hawk Snow White, Wise said". Hawk stared at the tree in disbelief. 1) how do you know my name he asked. 2) What kind of spell makes you talk, since your a tree. " oh how rude of me Rose cut in  where are my manners Hawk let me introduce you to Wise". The tree of wisdom he finished her sentence, as if he was in a trance. Yeah how did you know Rose asked. Lucky guess he said as an attempt to cover up, how he knew. Before Rose could ask anymore questions Wise interrupted. They had a lovely lunch break, it was the most time they had spent together in weeks.

When classes were over, Hawk told the teachers that Rose did indeed find Wise the tree of wisdom. Then the time have come Cinderella said. You could see the fear in her eyes. It was a strange vision, since Hawk had never seen Cinderella in fear before.

🕑 Time skip to Coronation day 🕑

"You look stunning Rose " Ling Ling squealed. "Yes you look positively lovely" Astoria said. "Frogtastic Joy said, now all we need is the perfect shoes". The girls started choosing shoes, while Rose did her hair and makeup. None of these shoes are just right for the outfit, Ling Ling said. How about these Rose said, waving the perfect pair on front of them. "It really is true nobody can choose the right show like a Cinderella can, Joy said. Rose was wearing a stunning gown. A pink version of her grandmothers OG dress.( the Disney animated one.) I now present to you the lovely Rose Cinderella they heard the guard say. On cue Rose stepped in and people were staring and whispering. Isn't she beautiful some one said. Rose stepped down to her grandmother, just as rehearsed. "Do you Rose Cinderella, promise to protect the Cinderella family and friend" Cinderella said. I promise Rose said. " Then with this crown you should now be known as, Crown princess Rose Cinderella of the Cinderella family". Cinderella said placing a crown on her head. The whole of fairytale land was gathered here in the Cinderella castle for the ceremony. People congratulated Rose everywhere she went, then it was Vicky turn. She did as planned bumped into Rose, ''spilled'' the potion and then went away. In exactly that moment Cyrus distracted the teachers and Rose collapsed. Rose fell in a deep slumber. The masked villain then appeared.

A/N thanks for supporting my story. Once I finish this I will try and write a more realistic-ish story. Make sure to follow me and my story I guess. Then you will get a notification when it is updated. Thanks for over 300 reads . Love ya peaches and peace out.

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