Chapter 10 - The Cinderella power

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A/N Last time Rose got some advise from Wise the tree of wisdom. She still doesn't know about the prophecy, will they tell her or keep her in the dark.

♡ With Rose ♡
Oh no Astoria is gonna kill me if I run late, she said to herself. But when she arrived at the classroom, her friend were nowhere to be found. Were are they, something seriously bad must happened to make Astoria late. She had gone totally pale, she was crushing the chair. She was so worried that she didn't notice Vicky was watching her with a smirk.

# Vicky  POV #
This is genius, I don't even have to do anything I can slowly watch Rose destroy herself in doubt. Thanks goody goody grankid, you just made my job so much easier.

☆ With the rest if Rose's team ☆
Odd we are all her excerpt Rose Astoria thought. Guys has any of you seen Rose, Hawk asked when he walked in with Prof. Snow White. They had all been called to Cinderellas office, and they had been escorted by each their grandparent. We just assumed she was with you Travis said. He eyed Hawk as if he was checking if Hawk was legit. Dude why are you staring at me like that Hawk said uncontrollably. You know my and Rose's  fake sibling deal right he asked. Yeah so what does that have to do with anything Hawk asked. So if you hurt her I will kill you without hesitation, he said as if that was normal for him. I'm with Travis on this one, Ling Ling said and gave Hawk a quick glare. Got it Hawk said. Good they said, and then went back to being best friends. Why are we here grandpa Joy asked. I will answer that Cinderella said, walking into the room. " As you know Rose has shown herself to be a true Cinderella prodigy " Cinderella said. Astoria you found a book about a legend did you read it Cinderella asked. No Headmistress Cinderella I didn't Astoria said and shook her head. Well that book contains a prophecy Cinderella continued. " and I'm afraid it's time to come true have come ". Can we hear it Ling Ling asked.

Once the Cinderella is born with a heart of gold. She will reveal herself as powerful. She can destroy or safe the fairytale land.  She  can do what others can't. If she is the right one she will gather, the 6 standing fairytale families. And in the end be the true Queen. She can unlock the true power of Cinderella.  Midnight magic. But if she is the wrong one be aware. She can doom herself to eternal tears.

What does that mean Hawk said concerned. " it is time I told you kids how fairytales came to be " Snow White said.
"As you know all our fairytales were writing by the Grimm Brothers. One of the brothers had a daughter, the other had passed away. On Katie Grimms 15th birthday, her father gave her the storybook. She went to a like and dropped her pen. She was were on point with her grammar, so she took her pen and fixed the stories. That's how we came to life. Katie quickly realised that with good comes evil, so she created creation magic. She also wrote the prophecy, and when she died she turned into a tree. According to legends at least. So to know if Rose is the Cinderella in the prophecy, we just have to find out if she found the tree." Cinderella what is midnight magic Astoria said, she had never heard of such a think. Well midnight magic it the power to bend time, and take away one's powers dissapear permanently if the spell is cast at midnight. Okay but why do Cinderella get all the powers, Travis complained. How come Rose as a Cinderella prodigy can obtain multiple powers, Joy asked. Because Cinderellas are the most powerful family in fairytale land, Astoria said in a duh tone. Yes we are Cinderella said, but only a prodigy can obtain more than one power by heart. That is wath can make them so dangerous, Cinderella explained. Yeah but what about Melvin Merlin, Ling Ling pointed out. He had more than one magic she continued. Yes I know Snow White said, but he can only cast a few spells and they are very week".  Okay but one last question what do they mean by destroying fariytale land, Travis asked. Nobody knows for sure Magister Rapunzel said.

☆ With Rose ☆
Were are they Rose thought, she couldn't do an assignment alone. I hope they are alright. When the bell rang Fala came to her and said, " don't worry this lesson won't affect your grade. Thanks Fala, I have to go now see you after school she shouted and ran as fast as her feet could. Rose went to find Wise the tree of wisdom. She was panicking where were her friends.

Hi Rose, Wise said. What's wrong Rose. I'm just not sure I'll make a great ruler, beside I don't even know if I have more aspects of my magic. I do Wise said, I can teach you if you want it offered. In your free period ofcourse. really thanks Wise. I have to go now she said, see you later.

When Roee returned, she was relieved that all her friends were there.

Rose had a tight schedule now and no time for her friends or parents. She was going to school, and that was the only time she saw her friends these days. After school the teachers would switch and train her in a specific subject each. After that it was Falas lessons.  Then she has go head straight home to Cinderella castle, and have dinner. After dinner she would lie and say she'd go to bed, but in reality she ran off for her lessons with Wise. And finally she could get some sleep.

A/N I am sorry but the chapters are gonna be shorter for now on since I'm running out of ideas. Thanks for all your support, and see you next chapter.

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