Chapter 6 - Training and kisses

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A/N we left it at a tiny cliffhanger. Hope you enjoy the story, now let's move on.

◇ With Rose and Fala ◇

Good Rose you are getting it, Fala said.
I hope so my so called coronation is in 3 weeks, Rose said. She was excited that she was a prodigy, but sad that she had a deadline to be ~ perfect ~.
Don't be sad everything is going to be alright, Fala said. How do you know that Rose shouted, quickly apologising for yelling. Rose come here sit with me Fala said softly, while she padded a spot next to her on a bench. Rose I know this seems unrealistic and scary right now, I know cause I have been through it she said. Yeah but you were born and raised here Fala so you knew what you were, she said as she began to cry. Rose it might be true that I knew more about it, but you are braver and stronger than me. I am Rose asked looking at Fala with tears in her curious eyes. Fala nodded, let me tell you a secret she said. When I found out I was a prodigy I broke down and cried, I had hoped that when Hawk was born he would become the prodigy. But he didn't, I was so scared I didn't have anyone to talk to. So I ran away from home and meet a wise tree. It guided me on the right path, but because of my strong snow magic. I ended up killing the tree, so I swore an oath that I would train all the other prodigy's when they were found. Wow I'm sorry Fala I just assumed that you had it easier than me, Rose said and hugged her. Now they were both crying and calming each other down. Let's call it a day Fala said, she was smiling again and wiping the tears from her eyes. Ok then see you tomorrow after classes for our private lessons Rose waved goodbye and went to the gate to earth.

# With mystery villain #

Ah so the little Cinderella is afraid of her duties, then all I have to do is make her feel more pressured. And then I can finally take her powers, and become the strongest villain ever.


○ At R.A ○

Hi Rose Joy and Astoria said. You're early again today, are you feeling well Astoria said teasingly. Astoria I'm fine I just live at Cinderella castle now so I don't sleep over my alarm.YOU WHAT the group said, oh sorry I must have forgot to mention it Rose said embarrassed. Hawk... Hawk to fairytale land Travis said waving his hand in front of Hawk, but it was useless. None of them noticed that somebody, was hiding behind the bushes and was putting a sleeping spell on him. Hawk fell backwards, and began to snore. Well know we at least know what happened Ling Ling said. Yeah but it must be a sleeping spell Joy said. Than we have to find a cure Rose said, Rose you know the best cure for a spell is a kiss right Astoria said. Rose turned red, why are you all looking at me. Because you should be the one to kiss him Astoria said. Roses eyes widened, why am I the one who's gonna kiss him she asked. Well do you want me,Joy or Ling Ling doing it. NO Travis and Rose shouted in unison. Rose turned even more red. Besides Rose we know you like him, don't you Astoria said. Yes but I don't want our first kiss to be like this. Don't worry Rose he probably won't even remember it Fala said joining the conversation. Fala what are you doing here, Rose I teach here remember. Uh right.. right.. right.. Are you sure though Rose asked still blushing. Yes I'm sure. Well okay then but only because he is my friend, and hopefully someday more than that she whispered under her breath. Rose was sure that nobody heard the last part, but she didn't know Fala did hear the last part. Rose leaned in and gave Hawk a quick peck on the lips, and then sat up straight as fast as lightnings. Hawk was awakening, all he saw was his friends with huge smiles and concerned eyes, directed at him. Hawk how much do you remember, Fala asked. Uhm nothing after Rose told us she is living in Cinderella castle now Hawk answered. You must have passed out from schock then Astoria said, looking at the others, miming no telling him. Yes that is probably what happened Joy said, the others were nodding. Okay now let's go to class before were late, Fala said running of with Hawks friend and her now students.

🕑 Time skip

After school our heroes decided to throw a sleepover since it was Friday. So they all agreed to go to Cinderella castle at 6pm. Rose then headed to Falas lesson. She was getting quiet good, Fala was teaching her that she as a prodigy was stronger in her element (Pumpkin magic) but could summon the other aspects of Cinderella magic. Rose one last thing before you leave Fala said. Remember that if get strong emotions, like furious or heartbroken you become so powerful that you could kill your self. I ca-ca-can Rose stuttered she was panicking at this reveal. Yes I'm afraid so Fala said. You become so powerful that you can kill yourself of exhaust, if you use your pumpkin magic . But don't worry Rose you are strong, and besides you got me to help you learn how to control it.

A/N Who do you think is the villain. And sorry for making this chapter a bit shorter.

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