Chapter 3 - A Cinderella moving

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A/N They planned Ling Lings birthday and sent out the invitations via their pets

When class was over Rose looked one last time at the little purple baby dragon before returning home exhausted.

Mom I'm home Rose said "in the living room dear", Rose what's wrong Clara asked. It's just we have only been going to regal academy for 1 week and it is so much harder than last year, to balance living on earth and studying in the fairytale land. Rose said.
I might not like it but you could move to the fairytale land and live there and come home on weekends. Clara suggested. Can I oh pumpkin seeds your the best mom Rose said you could see how excited she was. Rose you are 16 and I trust you and your grandmother, so you can stay in fairytale land. But mom how are we going to tell dad Rose asked. I'll tell him over dinner and I'll go call your grandma right now so you can move right in tomorrow. Clara said. BEST FAIRYTALE EVER rose shouted she could almost pass out from happiness.

Dave didn't like the idea one bit, he refused to let her move already. This is gonna be a long night of convincing Clara thought. As Clara explained the pros of her moving, Dave started to warm up to the idea of Rose moving. It took a long time but at the end, they ended up hugged and packing everything up in her room. So when dawn came she would be ready.

● Ring Ring ●

Rose's alarm went of, but for the first time she wasn't in bed pressing snooze. She was already done getting ready and went downstairs to get breakfast, thanks for a lovely breakfast mom she said. Travis was gonna pick her up and help her and her mom with the bags. Buzz.. It was the doorbell, Travis must be here Rose said she was so excited to move to fairytale land. Once they entered the gate and got to R.A (Regal Academy) They whistled for their dragons to come fetch them. On their way to Cinderella castle Rose told Travis about the plans for Ling Lings birthday tomorrow, all you got to do is keep her away from Ironfan castle a few hours. Sure thing Rose but why me Travis asked, Rose gave him a you-got-to-be-kidding-me look. Well you are her boyfriend she reminded him. Right I always forget how lucky I am he exclaimed in excitement.

When they reached Cinderella castle granny Cinderella invited them inside. Have you eaten dear she asked her granddaughter, Yes granny Rose replied. Travis will you help Rose bring her suitcases up to her room, ofcourse Headmistress Cinderella he said. But on their way up to Rose's room he stepped on a loose tile and he slipped, Burried in open suitcases and shoes he sai his punchline Bad..Luck..Beast. When they were finished they went with Headmistress Cinderella to R.A. They were early so they went to find their friends. Everybody was there except Hawk, which was unusual since he always were the first one to appear. Travis went over to his girlfriend Ling Ling and kissed her forehead, making her blush ever so slightly. Aww it came from the rest of the girls, Joy do you know where Hawk is? Rose asked. He is probably in his safe haven spot Joy answered, thanks Joy Rose said. Rose knew exactly where this safe haven was, because Hawk had shared it with her last year. So she went to find the blue haired prince.

☆Meanwhile with the rest of the team☆

H-hi Astoria, it came from a nervous blonde beast. Hi Shawn she replied, so I was wondering if you would g-go on a d-d-date with me on Friday he stuttered. Astoria blushed a little and replied, I would love to. Yeah a real one this time he added. Aw you are so lucky Joys said a bit sad to Astoria, why whats wrong Joy? she asked. It's just that it is a matter of time when you begin daiting Shawn, and Rose and Hawk are gonna date sooner or later she said and began crying. And-and Travis has Ling Ling but i'm alone. Joy that's not true you will always have us Astoria said, patting her back to calm her down. Thanks Astoria i really apriciate it.

♧With Rose and Hawk♧

Rose saw Hawk sitting on a bench looking at flowers, she sneaked up behind him and covered his eyes. guess who she said. Rose I know it's you he said teasingly. Ow why do you always ruin my fun she said while taking a seat. She almost slipped but Hawk caught her, carefull there pumpkin. Realizing what he had just said he turned pretty red and quickly corrected himself I-I mean carefull there Rose. Rose couldn't stop blushing and smiling at her new nickname, So I'm a pumpkin now huh she said teasing him a bit. N-no i meant i meant but Rose cut in by placing a finger on his lips, its fine apple fritter she said and winked at him. Since the Snow queen incident she wasn't as afraid to show Hawk that she liked him, but she never said anything directly to him about it still fearing rejection. Did she just call me applefritter he thought looking super confused, so much so that Rose started giggling by looking at him. He began to laugh to. They saw the clock turning 7:48, Rose we should probably get going to class Hawk said.

They meet up with the rest of the group in their first class, ballgown making. They made a beautifull gown and everybody was in on the idea that it was going to be Ling Lings birthdaydress, well exerpt Ling Ling ofcourse.

Next class was heroism class Hawk favorite lesson. Can anybody tell me the most effective way to free a prinsess from a troll Prof. Wolfram asked. Hawk answered and got it right, securing the team a high grade. Astoria was wery pleased with it, and praised them all after class ended.

* Time jump *

The team were going to their last class to check up on the baby dragon, and were in for a surprise. Dinkus and the baby dragon were sleeping together, it seemed like they had bonded over these last few days. Guys lets name the little fella Ling Ling suggested, great idea Rose said. let us name him froggo Joy suggested, no apple Hawk suggested . Hmm... Rose was thinking maybe Lilliac since he is purple, she was so busy thinking of names she didn't realise the other were shouting and discussing. Guys guys guys I think I have the perfect name for him rose said, cutting in their discussion. They all looked at her, I think we should name him Lilliac. That's a good idea Rose Travis said the others agreed with him, Lilliac it is then Astoria said. When class was dismissed they had feed,played and taught Lilliac some tricks. Are you ready to go home Rose Travis asked. Travis you do remember I don't live on earth for the time being. You don't! the rest shouted looking at Rose in disbelief, right I forgot to tell you. I live with granny for the time being, because of the school and stress that follows

A/N Sorry about the grammar hop you enjoyed it. And I won't write bridal style everytime Hawk catches Rose from falling

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