Last Chapter - Coronation day

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A/N welcome back hope you enjoyed the story. Sorry for the wait. School just started again.

With Rose

It was dark, Rose had no idea where she was. It was empty, except a shadow. Rose's curiosity made her step towards the shadow, she moved closer and closer until the shadow became clear. It was Rose but with poisonous green eyes and black hair.

She saw herself as she always imagined, in a villain state. Rose was not frightened, she remembered all her training. She was thankfull for her friends and her family. Then began the duel. Rose started with an attack, but EVIL-Rose quickly protected her self. It went on and on. When Rose got a good hit, the EVIL-Rose began and turned to dust and disappeared. Now all she had to do was figure out how to get out of here.

♤With the team♤

Hawk. Had Rose in his arms. He tried everything he could think of to wake her, even a true loves kiss wasn't strong enough. At least not enough for her to gain her consciousness. He didn't care that the ice barrier he had made,was about to collapse. He heard someone try and sneak up behind him. He easily kicked their ass, because of his anger and grief he was stronger. The others were busy fighting the masked villain. Vicky was loosing HARD, her plan was flawless so how did she end up loosing. She had missed the teeny tiny detail of anger, she forgot to calculate their love for Rose. The team easily defeted the villain, and to say they were surprised when they found out the villain was Vicky. Might be a bit of an exaggeration, the only ones surpised by the identety of this villain was the oblivous teachers. Vicky was finaly exposed and vanished on the spot, the team however weren't celebrating. They had turned their attention back to the unconscious Rose.

 ♡ With Rose♡

Rose could hear every word of the battle, every plead, everything. Hawks kiss might not have aloud her to regain her awake state, but it did aloud her to regain composure in her brain and heart. She was about to hit herself as an attempt to wake up fully, when a mist appered. It was white but showed a young woman, the mist began to talk in a calm voice. Hi Rose regocnise me? it asked. She blinked twice, she knew that voice. Wise ? she asked cautiously. The woman nodded, but before Rose could ask anything Wise answered . Wise/Katie told her everything about her life and the prophecy. Rose you are the chosen queen of fariytale land do you accept your duties. She thought about it for a bit, and in the end accepted. She was engulfed in a clear blue light, and her hair turned pastel pink. She awoke and everybody gave her a hug.

Jadajadajada. They lived happily ever after.

💎 10 years later 💎

Rose and Hawk got married and had the most beautiful children ever. Their daughter had blue hair with a blonde streak. Their son had blonde hair with a blue and blonde streak. They were twins and named Hazel and Liam Cinderella and their younger sister was blue and pink haired, named Ella Snow White. The Cinderella and Snow White family were United. Rose became queen and the rest of the great fairytale families became her counsil. And fairytale land was once again peaceful.

A/N Sorry about the lame ending I lost interest in the story. Bye😋

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