Chapter 7 - The sleepover

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A/N Remember the ball announcement in chapter one, the ball in this chapter is that ball from chap.2. Rose's coro ation is still 2 and ½ week away.

Rose dear your friends is gonna be here any minute now Cinderella said in an almost singing voice. Coming granny Rose said, she double checked her sleepover schedule and ran down stairs. Granny thanks for the help with everything, she said and gave her grandma a peck on the cheek. I love you granny, awe Rose I love you to. They hugged but broke it when the doorbell rang. They are here Rose said running around the room. Rose get it together she scolded herself. She opened the door up and outside all her friends were standing with their sleeping bags. Hi Rose they greeted her and gave her a big group hug, Hi guys let me show you to my room she said. She was so excited about the sleepover that you could basically se stars in her eyes. Wow nice room Rose Joy said. The others nodded in agreement. Rose was always excited about everything, but this time Ling Ling was just as excited. Ling Ling had never been to a sleepover before.

So what do we do first Ling Ling asked excited. Let's eat first. There were foods made to each of their liking, applepie for Hawk, bug burger for Joy, Pumpkin pizza for Rose.
(A/N the rest is just guesses, I have no idea what they like)
Sushi for Ling Ling, vegetarian pasta for Astoria and meatballs for Travis.
After they ate they went back to the room to play dress up. The boys judging the girls dresses, Travis and Hawk agreed that Joy's dress type was the best, but Rose's dress' bling was the nicest. Astorias ligning was best, and Ling Lings dress had the best color. Uh I have a great idea Rose said, ballgown magic she said. She didn't know if it was gonna work, but maybe it would she was a Cinderella after all. Rose's friend were amused that it worked, guys did it work I can't look Rose said. Rose I did work, and it is beautiful Hawk said but he didn't look at the dress he looked at Rose. But Rose was so busy jumping around happy that she did it, so she didn't se Hawk was looking at her. The others were  congratulating her for her accomplishment. So the lessons with Fala is paying off Astoria said. Now let's play truth or dare. What is truth or dare everybody asked except Travis. It is a game were you pick between telling the truth or doing a dare. Here I an example, Travis truth or dare Rose said. I choose dare travis said, okay I'll give an easy one since this is an example. Travis I dare you to sing a verse of a love song. Now if Travis doesn't do it he will have to deal with the consequences. ^Travis does the dare^. If Travis had chosen the truth I could ask him, a question of my liking and I'd have to answer truthfully. Everybody nodded, now let's begin. Can I start Joy asked, sure just spin the bottle. Okay Astoria truth or dare, uhm truth Astoria said. Astoria is it true you have a crush on Shawn Beast. Ah.. yes she answered turning bright red. Hawk truth or dare, I'll do a dare. Astoria whispered the dare, okay.. Hawk stood up. Rose will you be my date to the evening ball on Wednesday. I'd love to she answered, leaving Hawk relieved and joyfull. Ling Ling truth or dare, I'll do a dare cuz you know I love challenges. Okay I dare you to sit in Travis lap the rest if the game. They both blushed but she did it. Joy truth or dare, truth she said. Is it true that Esquire asked you to be hos date to the evening ball. Yes it is she said. Okay Travis truth or dare, dare he answered. You have to hang up a painting in coach beast office. What no he is going to kill me. Then you have to face the consequences. PILLOW FIGHT Rose yelled and began slapping Travis with a pillow. All the others soon joined and they all laughed. When it was over there were pillow feathers all over the place. But especially in Travis hair, when the feathers had fallen to the ground they all started to laugh at him. Guys what's so funny he said he sounded a little mad, Hawk threw Travis his mirror so he could see for himself. When Travis saw all the feathers in his hair he said. Bad luck beast. Cousing the others to laugh even harder.

Cinderella heard all the noises coming from Rose room, so she went to check it out. When she opened up the door she sawn all the feathers,Rose clean this up now I can't have you sleeping surrounded by all these feathers. Yes of course granny Rose said. Are you having fun Cinderella asked, the kids just looked at each other and started to laugh again. I'll take that as a yes Cinderella said, leaving the room feeling happy for Rose. At least she is not so stressed abouts being a prodigy, so she can't find time for fun.

When they had cleaned up they went to bed. Rose woke up in the middle of the night unable to fall asleep again, so she went out on the balcony. A bit later Hawk woke up also unable to sleep again, that when he noticed Rose was gone. He noticed a figure standing alone on the balcony, so he went to investigate. Rose he asked, hi Hawk you can't sleep either I assume. He nodded, why can't you sleep he asked. Rose turned around to look at Hawk, she had tears in her eyes. Should I tell him about the hole, I could get myself killed thing she thought. She decided that it was fine since it was Hawk, and she trusted him with all her heart. As she told him his eyes got wider and wider, and he hugged her instantaneously to calm her down. Rose felt calmer in his arms and didn't want to let go just yet. Why would she tell you that, I'm gonna kill her Hawk said. Rose and Hawk broke the hug to look each other in the eyes still embracing each other. Hawk I appreciate your concern, but I'm actually glad she told me. If not I might have been too recklessly, I mean you know me would you really be so surprised. Not really but I wouldn't want you to get  hurt. Thanks Apple fritter she said and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. I'm going back to bed and with that she left him standing alone in awe on the balcony.

# With villain #

Oh so the little Cinderella is serious about her, prince Charming or should I say her prince Snow White. Then all I have to do is get rid of him, that should be enough for her to release her power. And enough for me to harvest them. Then everybody will know me Vicky Broomstick to be the greatest villain of them all.


A/N how do you like the idea that Vicky  is back to being her own boss. And side note I won't add in my own characters, since I like the originals from the show.

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