Chapter 5 - a new prodigy

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A/N thank you for voting and reading. Thought only I would.

♧Hawks POV♧

He got up and looked in the mirror, today I'm going to tell her he thought. He was still unsure of the blondes feelings towards him, but at Ling Lings birthday yesterday they became closer than ever. Hawk really likes Rose, no he LOVES her! He was still afraid of rejection, but with Travis and Shawn's help he got a bit over himself.

- Flashback to Ling Lings birthday -

Hawk saw Travis and Ling Ling come in again after going to on the balcony, he could se his buddy had a giant grin plastered on his face. He thought about bringing Rose out there and conversing. He found her and asked her out onto the balcony, when they were out there he got cold feet. So instead of confessing THE Hawk Snow White got cold feet. They just sat on a bench talking about almost everything between heaven and earth. Rose was always so hyper so at the end of the day she got tired, they sat down on a bench and she let her head rest on his shoulder. Aww she looks so peaceful, I don't want to spoil it he thought. So he picked her up, called his dragon and flew her home. On the way to Cinderella castle she felt very calm and protected. She then leant her head agains his chest. Hawk tucked Rose in bed, and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Goodnight pumpkin he whispered.

- End of flashback -

◇ With Rose ◇

How did I get here, was her first thought when she woke up. All I remember was being with Hawk and then being tired. Rose put 2 and 2 together, aw it was so nice of him to bring me home. Rose, breakfast is ready Cinderella called. Coming granny she yelled, she went downstairs in a nice pink knee length dress. Rose sat down and began eating breakfast with her grandma, when Cinderella suddenly asked. "Rose do you remember what a prodigy is", yes granny it is the strongest member of the family. Why? she asked. Oh you will find out soon enough my dear, now let's get going we don't want to be late.

¤ With Fala ¤

I'm so excited for my first day at R.A as a teacher. I can't wait to see Hawks face, when he finds out I'm gonna be heroism guest teacher.

She knocked on his door to get him ready for school. Hawk you ready she asks, w-why wouldn't i-i be. She could se he looked down in part fear and part desperation. Let me guess this is about Rose isn't it I asked. Is it that oblivious he asks, looking like he is about to have a panic attack. To me yes because I'm your sister, and to your friends as well except Rose. She was trying to calm him down, but it didn't work until she said. Don't worry she is not gonna reject you, I see the way you look at each other. It cheered him a bit up, hours thinks she might like me too. I nodded and then left his room, that's for you to find out I said. Now come with me I'm going to drop you off at school.

■ At Regal Academy ■

Pumpkin seeds today is gonna be awesome Rose exclaimed excited as always. Granny said there would be 2 announcements this morning, so let's hurry up I don't wanna miss it Rose said. She practically dragged her whole team to the first class and announcements. Cinderella stepped up onto the stage, attention attention everyone. Today we have 2 announcments, first of I am happy to present to you your new heroism teacher. Fala stepped on stage and all the older boys were drooling over her. Everybody was a little shocked that she was gonna be a teacher, but none as shook as Hawk and Rose. They had almost lost their jaws, and were staring at her. 2nd off Cinderella continued, there will be a coronation of a new prodigy. Everybody was whispering, oh I wonder who it is . Cinderella continued I am proud to announce the newest found prodigy..

...Rose Cinderella

What she screamed in shock. I'm a prodigy but- but that's impossible I can't even control all aspects of my pumpkin magic yet Rose said. Well I will explain later dear Cinderella said and walked away. Now class let's begin open your books on page 273 said Magister Rapunzel. Nobody even heard what Rapunzel was teaching, because they were to busy staring at Rose. Rose just wanted a hole to swallow her, so she could disappear.

After class Rose and her friends went to Cinderellas office. Granny how am I going to be a decent princess, when I barely can stay on my own feet Rose said. Her voice was getting more and more desperate but she continued, and how in the pumpkin can I be a prodigy when i can't even fully control my magic yet. Rose breathe Astoria said, if not your gonna faint.
But she didn't even finish the sentence before Rose passed out.

When she woke up, she saw many sets of worried eyes. Rose you scared us for a minute there Travis said. What happened she asked. You passed out from overwhelmness Fala said. Rose listen to me, don't worry I am only teach heroism and magic to you, to help you. You are? thanks Fala Rose said. Now you better hurry, aren't you supposed to have your baby dragon exam today she asked. Oh my grade we're going to be late Astoria exclaimed.

When they arrived it was just on the clock. Travis watch out Joy said. But it was to late Lilliac had tackled him, bad luck beast he said. The others started laughing. At the end of the exam, their team even got the best grade.

# Unknown villain POV #

So the little Cinderella is a prodigy, then maybe she has the ultimitave Cinderella power. Then all I have to do is destroy her.

Muhha Haha .*coughing * I'm fine.

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