Chapter 7

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He watched the kitten sleep silently with curiosity. It wasn't like him to consider how such a simple act could affect him and yet, here he was watching a kitten sleep fondly. As a mother would someone else's child! It was preposterous! And yet, it was true. He was watching a kitten fondly.

And not just any kitten. Lord Voldemort in kitten form.

Had he shown up of his own free will, Harry would have no doubt grown bored of his arrogance and killed him long ago. But Severus was right. Since he was forced to have that brought to light, he supposed that it was because Voldemort was in such a cute and cuddly form that he learned to get over his annoyance.

But he wasn't really ever annoyed at the cat. How could he be annoyed when the feline was too stunned by his new form to be annoying and anything but helpless and slightly panicked? Or when, by the time the irritating traits came back, he had grown used to the sense of humour and personality quirks; therefore making him immune to being easily annoyed at Tom. It was something he hadn't noticed or thought about until it was brought to light for him.

He didn't take his eyes from the silvery fur, too caught up in the way it shined in the soft sunlight from the doors to the balcony.

"Maybe you are right Severus. I know I no longer am irritated by him as easily as before. I rather like having his company around to be completely honest. It's calming to me, to have someone around that understands-somewhat-my views on all of this. And it does amuse me when he thinks of how my reasonings and arguments and doings make far more sense than any that he had. And I know it amuses him when he thinks that even the great Dumbledore didn't see the options I have. Dumbledore-a weary old man-can't come up with more wisdom and wise choices than a child!" He laughed heartily, the noise rousing the furball.

He watched as the kitten stood shakily, unstable on the mattress and blankets. It wandered around the bed and he let it, watching its movements carefully. Eventually Tom stopped and started licking his paw calmly, facing the french doors-and through them, the outdoors. If he wasn't much mistaken, he could have sworn that the expression on the cat's countinance conveyed the great dislike for the outside world at this moment. He couldn't help the urge to laugh, and he did so quietly.

The kitten spun around quickly, its momentum pulling its bottom over the edge before Tom could gain any hold on the sheets. The look of utter terror on the feline's face as it fell was priceless and had both Harry and Severus on the floor, laughing.

Severus's laughter sputtered out into a shout of alarm and a string of curses. Harry looked over to see Tom attacking his old follower's face with a vengeance. He laughed as he pulled the cat away, holding him high in the air by the scruff of his neck.

"Severus go heal yourself while I deal with this one." He put the cat down on the bed and stopped Severus before he was out the door. "Oh, and make sure no one comes anywhere near here for a month at least. When I want them, I'll call for them." Severus left with a curt nod and Harry turned back to the cat. "Do you want to be human?" The kitten nodded vehemently and he held out the vial with the potion. "Take it then."

Tom looked at the vial apprehensively but let Potter tip the contents into his mouth anyway. The least he could do was poison him and the only difference that would make would be that he wouldn't get to watch Potter control his followers. The liquid slithered down his throat and made him want to gag. He repressed the urge and swallowed several times trying to get the taste out of his mouth and throat.

It wasn't until several minutes later that he felt any kind of change. He had laid down while waiting and was glad he did so when the searing pain started. It wasn't like a burn you would get from touching something hot-it was like someone took a white-hot rod and was slowly trailing it around in his body, searing all of his organs only to be felt after it had moved on to another organ. It took away his breath and he couldn't form a decent thought.

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