Chapter 4

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Harry zoomed through his paperwork and finished faster than he ever had before. He had no need for sleep when he was done, but he was extremely hungry. He stood and walked past a few bookshelves before seeing Voldemort on a chair reading the book he had set out for him as a kitten.

"Do you want something to eat?" The snake-like man stood silently and put the book down, using a coaster to hold his place.

The walk to the kitchen took no time at all and pretty soon Harry had two steaks done perfectly, both medium rare, and wine was poured into two separate glasses. They ate the main course silently. Only when Harry took the dishes to the kitchen and came back with desert did they talk.

"How are you? You seem dazed." Harry sat and poured the two of them another glass of wine as Voldemort looked up.

"I don't know what to think. I've never expected anything this crazy from you. I was thrown into being a cat, that bothered me. If I had a choice I would have at least picked an Eagle or something. Not a bloody cat. And then I was all hyper and wanted to do things and it took every ounce of my strength and determination not to attack your ear one day, and I really don't know what to think anymore! You helped me. You, knowing who I was, decided to help me. Why? And what's with Severus and all the other people? Why are they treating you better than they treat me?" Harry stopped him.

"Eat your desert while I talk, all right? I know what it's like to be thrust into something that you don't want to do. I never wanted to be a part of this bloody war and yet here I am. And now that I'm here I'm trying to make the best of it, although pretending to be someone I most definitely am NOT is seriously aggravating at times. That's why I wanted to help you. As for why my followers treat me better than they do you, that's simply because I'm more powerful than you. I could do things to them that would make anyone faint for weeks on end. And they know it. But I also reward them. Most generously too.

"Now, I know you must be wondering why I have followers at all. Simple. I'm sick and tired of fighting. I don't want to be on Dumbledore's side because he's done more damage than good. Encouraging seventh years to fight...preposterous! Most of them die within minutes while their parents either survive without them or put themselves in harm's way to get to their child. Idiotic. Nor did I want to work for you. Yes, I believe in punishment, but I also think that rewards go just as far as threats. Sometimes even farther."

Voldemort raised an eyebrow. "How can you argue that?"

"Eat. Is it better to love your ruler or to fear them?"

"That's a muggle saying anyways. How should I know?" Voldemort shrugged, as he had expected he would.

"Foolish!" Harry's voice was like a whip. "This is why you never get farther than Albus! Both of you are too blindsighted to see what's right in front of you!" He calmed himself. "It's a riddle with no right answer. The answer is in the riddle. It is not one or the other that is the perfect balance, but a healthy mix of the two. Your followers and subjects have to fear you to a degree so they don't make the same mistake twice. But they have to love you to be willing to do what you ask of them and to have a decent, long-lasting relationship with them.

"I seem to recall your followers had quite a few deserters, supposedly of your most trusted Inner Circle being just the beginning. You hurt them less than the others, but I'd say that almost half of your surviving Death Eaters were sought out and killed for treason or abandonment-isn't that right? If I disappeared for that long then I can guarantee that most if not all of them would come back to me. They don't ask questions because I'm not foolish with their lives." Voldemort looked taken aback.

"Now see here-"

"No I will not. You have not listened to me in the many years that I've tried to talk to you without curses and hexes aimed at the both of us. So now I'm giving you no chance to talk unless I want an answer. I want an alliance with you and your followers. In other words, I will either take over your ranks by force or you can hand over your alliance to me. I have more intel, better spies, the best assassins, endless supplies of information, and a position that you cannot deny. I'm right in Dumbledore's company most of the time."

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