Chapter 8

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Harry Potter. He repeated his name repeatedly in his mind, over and over again.

Harry Potter.

He had debated changing it just to change things up. Just so he didn't have to repeat his own name to himself to try and make himself get used to it and possibly even begin to like it. So far it wasn't even beginning to work.

And yet, he knew that these weren't the reasons for his repeating his name to himself. He refused to think about it in front of other people and yet...Tom wasn't very coherent yet. It was a few hours after he had taken that potion and he was deadly silent and still. Harry hadn't felt his shadow pass into the permanent realm of servitude to him so he knew he was still living. He just wasn't responding.

Harry Potter.

Perhaps it was because he liked his name? Because of his mother naming him that? No, that didn't feel right.

Harry Potter.

He stared at Tom for some time, just waiting for the repetition of his own name to start to give him some inkling as to why he was really repeating it.


And then it hit him. He was repeating his name because he wanted Tom to call him Harry. He didn't want to be called Potter, but Harry. He never used to repeat his name like this, only his last name because that's what everyone knew him as. Only the people that really knew him and vice versa were allowed to call him by his given name. The ones at Hogwarts only got away with it because it was a part of the act just as Severus had let Dumbledore call him 'my boy'. But soon that would change.

Everyone that followed him called him Viper and soon would all those who told him that he was doing the wrong thing and stood up for Dumbledore. But he didn't repeat the name Viper to himself, no he was repeating Harry Potter with a small emphasis on Harry. Small enough that he didn't notice it until he paid attention to it.

He wanted Tom to call him Harry.

Questions swirled around in his mind. He didn't know where to even begin. Why would he want his ex enemy to call him by his given name? He had already admitted to himself that he wasn't irritated beyond belief because he was thrust with his company in a different form. But what could possibly make him want Tom to change what he calls him? He no longer said his last name with venom, no now it was delivered indifferently. Was it just that he wanted him to say it as if he was happy he got to call him that? No, that would be weird.

Harry Potter, Shadow Demon, wanted Tom Riddle to call him Harry.

Out of curiosity he imagined what Tom's voice would sound like if he did indeed ever call him Harry. That led to him imagining a slight moaning aspect to the way his name was delivered and that led to him thinking about a silk covered bed in soft candlelight and moans of passion and feelings of pleasure.

He shook his head to dislodge, only to find that it wouldn't leave easily.

He moved on his chair and leaned his elbows on his knees and put his head in his hands, rubbing his temples and eyes trying to think of a logical explanation as to why he just had a minor romantic thought about Tom Riddle.

Actually if he was going to figure anything out he best be honest with himself. There was nothing minor about what he thought before. He had imagined licking down his chest for Merlin's sake! There's nothing minor or remotely innocent about that. So he had a huge and very explicit thought about what he would like to do to the taller man.

And taller he was. He knew that from years of 'fighting' with him. But that was okay since he was shorter than most people even two years younger than him.

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