Chapter 18

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After a hearty breakfast and many stolen kisses, Tom decided he needed to have a chat with some of his followers that had made it far in the political world. They were to secure the Ministry, ensuring that they won positions of higher power to make sure that they could change the laws to work in their favor.

In order to avoid mass panic, they decided that the minister would be the one to announce the tragic passing of Albus Dumbledore, an extraordinarily wreckless man who gave his life to save Harry Potter from Voldemort. The two had killed each other during a relatively intense battle, leaving Harry the only one to escape. Their ploy was that he had left the battle dazed, and spent some time travelling around Albania to clear his mind before he had to break the news to the Wizarding World. Albania is where he met Tom, a wonderful conversationalist who had managed to capture the hero's heart. Once Tom's meeting was over depicting what story was to be told to the world, they settled down in the library with Tom in Harry's lap.

Harry was tracing small winding paths up and down Tom's back, using the quiet time to think about the events of the day. Soon enough, the Wizarding World would be practically knocking down his door to demand his attention once more. He knew he could not stow himself away from the attention, but it was a relief that he would no longer be under the intense pressure to kill someone he no longer wished to kill. He wouldn't be expected to follow an old man's idiotic plans and he could finally move towards making the world a better place for future generations.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt it. Another mind probing against his, except it was already inside his mind. The link between the two was humming, exploring his deepest thoughts and feelings without any actual direction. Harry stood, guiding Tom up with him, before letting the shadows transport them to the middle of his garden.

Soft music was already playing, the soft notes of a piano enhancing their surroundings. At some point, the sun had gone down and left only the flowers with their fragrances, the music and soft glowing specks of light in the flora wonderland. The fountain was dimly lit, allowing purple-hued water to sparkle from one spot to the next.

They danced, arms wrapped around each other, as they stared into each other's souls. They hardly knew that the fairies had left them in privacy, that the music had continued after each song came to a soft close. They could only see each other.

Finally, Harry found the part of him that was linked to Tom. He brushed against it softly as they spun, the distraction allowing him access to Tom's mind. He didn't look for anything, simply filled his head with his love and trust. Tom gasped, feeling the sudden change in his mind.

"Harry, what-" He was quickly silenced by soft lips pressing against his.

"I told you it wasn't just my instincts. I've been searching for a way to prove that to you for awhile." Their feet slowed, the dancing coming to a stop. "Tom, would you let me show you what I believe our love can grow to if you'll only take a step of faith in us?" Tom nodded, slowly. He was unsure what he would see, or what he would even feel after this. He wasn't used to other people being in his head.

Suddenly, pictures and images started playing in his mind.

Blackness surrounding him, encompassing him as Harry was sucking him off...shared smiles in political meetings...them out to dinner as themselves, on a romantic date...heated kisses in the shadows of London where anyone could catch them at any time...

Purple and Green swirling trails of magic, surrounding them as they declared their love for each other...the feeling of falling, and having no worries about the other letting them hit the ground...

A large cottage, out in the woods. Their own private getaway with beautiful cobblestone pathways and lush plants growing everywhere and the sound of a creek bubbling happily somewhere behind it...the wonderful image of seeing Harry, smiling at Tom, in a library chair with a rather large stomach...

The Wizarding World cooperating for once...peace settling in their world for good...

Tom opened his eyes, gasping for air. The wonderful images in his mind were too much for him to handle all at once.

"Tom? Tell me what you're thinking. How do you feel?" Tom smiled.

"Brilliant. peace is long overdue. Being able to go with you, wherever we want for whatever reason, I like that. The cottage, where would we even find such a magical place?" His voice trailed off as his eyes clouded over while he thought. Without thinking, his hands made their way across Harry's stomach. "The feeling of falling in love, what an exhilarating emotion! I thought I had merely imagined that last night, but it seemed to go on forever just then. The magic around us, how it bound us together so permanently. So perfectly." Tears welled in his eyes, sparkling in the light from the fountain.

"Is that really what you see for us? All of it?"

Harry chuckled, placing his hands over Tom's. "Yes, you silly creature. I believe that all of that is attainable and well within reach. If only you will allow yourself to trust me, to trust us. We have already taken the first steps today, why should we wait on the rest?" Tom nodded, and they kissed. Slowly at first, but growing with the need to be closer. To be one once more.

Tom dragged Harry down, pulling him on top of him. Their night of passion in the garden was one they would never forget, filled with passion, love and trails of purple and green magic glittering in the subtle moonlight.

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