Chapter 10

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After Tom had come to enough senses to put that information into storage for now, he looked at the demon cautiously. He wasn't sure how long he was baffling inside his own mind over the new information, but he could gather that it wasn't long enough for the demon to notice. He nodded and they continued on with their conversation like no pause had ever taken place in the first place.

Harry, on the other hand, wasn't fooled. He knew that Tom had just come to a major realization, probably something along the lines of the one he had come to a few hours ago.

Harry wasn't sure what he wanted from Tom just yet, but he knew that eventually he was going to either get out of him what he just was thinking or he'd have to tell him they were mates at some point or another.

He also knew that a certain someone had just entered the wards with a non-ward detector spell on his person, and the only person who could pull off moving through wards and being undetected was someone with a very long, very white beard. As he talked on with Tom about the perfect living conditions that he liked simply based off of instinct, he could feel him getting nearer, probably invisible so that way Tom wouldn't see him. And since the type of magic he was using was something that only Dumbledore knew of, he could guarantee that Tom didn't know how to detect it, as it wasn't shared with anyone but with the creator himself and probably his shoes.

And so it came as a great surprise to Tom when Dumbledore finally revealed his arrival by becoming visible once more just inches behind one certain Viper.

"And so, I have you now, Riddle. I had so hoped that I would be able to take you out in some epic battle that you inevitably would have started, but as Severus was so foolish to think that I didn't catch on to his little spying game I slipped him some truth serum. Now, you and your little death eater can come with me and this will all go away. Or I can kill you now, either one. And since you don't have your wands..." He held up two wands, one being Tom's and the other being just a random wand Harry had ordered from Ollivander's some months ago in case this situation ever arrived. "I think it'd be best to comply.

That was when Harry lost it.

The shadows swirled around his head and surrounded his body, lifting his hair every which way and the sun lost it's vibrancy it had possessed only moments before. Dark anger clouded his mind, but not his judgment, and he turned around slowly.

"I'm sure that Severus did fall for your little trap, no doubt you hid the potion in some form of tea or muggle candy you forced upon him. But did he tell you exactly what has happened to the famous Harry Potter?" Dumbledore blanched. "That's right, I have him here. And I'm sure he'd be willing to talk to you, if you hadn't angered me so much. So for now you only get to see him." He morphed his face into the one he had posed in most of his life and let it sink into the old man's mind while the shadows took him to a secured Dungeon where no magic could be performed by anyone but him.

"Come Tom, let's find out what the idiot has to say to my story, shall we?"

They entered the dungeon where Dumbledore lay on the floor in utter shock.

"Well Dumbledore? Any ideas as to what was done with Harry? No? Well, Harry and I are the same. You see, the one thing you failed on counting into your little scheme was the fact that I'm a Shadow Demon, if the display I put on outside was any indicator. I've been faking the whole innocent Potter act ever since I came to Hogwarts, and more so when I found out that your real plan was to take over the entire Wizarding World and to leave it to suffer under your ruling. I'm sure you never expected me to die in the end, at your own hand, and I can tell you right now that I'm much meaner when it comes to backstabbers and betrayers like you. And the worst kind is the ones who lie, and that's what he's done, don't you think Tom?" Tom nodded his head in agreement, ready to tear the old man apart at the first sign he could see.

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