Chapter 5

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Harry sighed. He knew that this would be coming, he didn't know why he had hoped that it would not. It was only logical that Voldemort would figure out that he was a demon. But what really surprised him was that he couldn't figure out that Harry was a demon that specialized in darkness. To him it only seemed logical since he had been taking refuge in the shadows lately-he knew that they'd follow him as he walked down a corridor or into a room.

But, then again, this was Voldemort. He wasn't too sure what to expect when he was involved in anything other than war and scheming plans. He had almost no idea what drove the man when it came to reality and peace. And he wasn't sure if he was happy to know that he wanted to know the man better. He slightly shook his head.

"Look, I know that you have many questions for me. perhaps they can wait until later this evening? I have a meeting to oversee and then I'll find you and we can discuss this." He stood and bowed slightly before sweeping out of the dinning room and into the foyer where he could hear the voices of several of his followers.

One extremely irritating and frustrating meeting later, Harry was striding down the corridors looking for Voldemort. He wasn't sure why he was so keyed up about the conversation they would undoubtedly have in only minutes, but he was. He turned another corner and stopped.

Thanks to his magic swirling around him and collecting the shadows, his approach was completely silent and he was left unobserved and unnoticed. He leaned against the doorway and just watched.

He had walked in on Voldemort sitting in the window seat that faced the gardens. His feet were dangling off the ground and his head was leaning against the glass. Harry allowed himself a small smile before regaining his composure. Voldemort hadn't noticed his presence yet, and he was content to watch the man sit and think silently. A small sigh could be heard and Voldemort's eyes closed.

He stepped over the threshold and out of his shadows, letting his footfall be heard. Voldemort's eyes snapped open and Harry smiled reassuringly.

"Come take a walk with me." His voice left the option to be denied, and he was surprised when Voldemort actually accepted and stood. They walked in silence until Harry opened a door that led outside.

Voldemort was eager to be out in the open, it seemed, because he had practically ran out the door to the rose bushes. Harry followed at a more appropriate pace and started walking through the maze of wildflowers and bushes. It wasn't long before he noticed Voldemort was by his side, a companionable silence between the two.

Eventually the two of them stopped strolling and stood in the silence of twilight. The sun was setting and they stood, just taking in the world around them. Harry always liked this part of the day the most because of the smell. It was the smell of rest and comfort, when the heady feeling of the heat would slowly dissipate and leave nothing but perfect clarity behind.

He stared out at the sunset, watching the silhouette of a bird fly by.

"Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me. The carriage held just ourselves, and Immortality." He recited one of his favorite passages and waited for Voldemort to comment. He did.

"I'm not sure what I have to do with you being all kind towards me, but I know enough to know that you have to feel something towards me. Demons don't let their families go unavenged unless they care a great deal about the one that betrayed them." Harry sighed. He hadn't wanted to start with this-in fact, he didn't want to do this at all.

"I do care for you. Why or how I'm going to keep to myself until I deem it necessary to let you know." He paused, waiting for the other many questions to come.

"So...I'm not sure..." He could hear the hesitation in his voice and stopped him.

"I want you to be able to be yourself around me Voldemort. I don't want you to feel intimidated or unsure of yourself. You'll know when I want you to humble yourself. Another reason that so many of my followers like me so much. I enjoy spunk and determination...just not from many people. You should consider it an honor to be able to speak your mind. So speak it."

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