The Strength of Hadashi Wung Kang

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" Are you done with your whole love-struck phase, child? " Wung Kang asked as Ryan slowly got up.

" Yeah...I think it's finally settling in. " Ryan replied, dusting the sand off of him.

" Good. Your first lesson starts now. There is one rule: You will fight me, but you can NOT use any of your powers. " Wung Kang took off his shirt.

" Gross, I don't wanna see old man nudes- " Ryan started before he paused, " Holy shit, you're jacked! "

Wung Kang kicked off his geta shoes while flexing his muscles. Ryan gulped and followed suit, hastily taking off his dirty sneakers. He slowly looked at his body then stared at Wung Kang. " What the- What has he been eating? Isn't he like 80?! " Ryan rubbed his abs and winced, " What have I been doing wrong- "

" I can tell you're staring. " Wung Kang laughed.

" " Ryan gulped.

Wung Kang slowly waved his hands in the air and gracefully took his stance. The older man's eyes lit up as he dashed after Ryan with incredible speed. The entire ground shook with an explosion of sand!


Wung Kang blitzed in front of the teen, landing two high kicks to Ryan's chin. 


Ryan landed flat on his spine, hitting the ground like a boulder crashing into the earth. Slowly, Ryan got up, wincing in pain. He stumbled to his feet, and his senses flared up, scales shaking on the back of his neck. However, he was too slow because he was in the air the next thing he knew.  



Ryan flipped into a stance, his eyes darting from left to right. Then, as if everything clicked, he focused on seeing Wung Kang appear in front of him. Even though he reacted, shivers ran down his spine, seeing the speed at which Wung Kang's fist approached.


Not letting up on his assault, Wung Kang proceeded to decimate Ryan's chest with three powerful palm strikes. Ryan was blasted back, the sand flying into the air as he flew off. Ryan twirled in the air, his eyes glowing while he tried to track his movement. As if ice ran down his spine, Ryan felt a shiver. " Shit. " Ryan thought, realizing that the old man was above him. Wung Kang brought down a powerful elbow in the middle of Ryan's back. Like a missile, Ryan crashed into the ground.


Ryan coughed, pushing himself back up. He closed his eyes, trying to lock on, only hearing the crash of the waves. Suddenly, Ryan opened his eyes seeing Wung Kang blitz forward. " Gotcha!" Ryan swung a mean hook.  Miss. His eyes darted down, seeing Wung Kang spin on the ground. The older man spun his legs around, cracking Ryan in the jaw. Spit spewed out of the boy's mouth as he twirled in the air. 


Ryan crashed into a nearby coconut tree. 


Adding insult to injury, Ryan felt the hard exterior of two coconuts bash on his head. The boy winced and got up; this time, he had it. Everything slowed down as Ryan saw a blur approach him. "There. " Ryan gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He threw a punch but hit nothing. He felt another attack pound into his chest as he tried to counter with a kick. Nothing. Ryan's eyes widened as the sound of Wung Kang's feet rapidly hitting the ground came from behind him. Eager to strike, he spun around and brought down an ax kick.

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