Sibling Bonding

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A few hours later...

Raindrops pelted the window, Ryan's tears followed them as they slid down the glass. Jade shook her head, her eyes wide.

" S-so you're telling have s-superpowers? " Jade drove down the highway, " Pssh, get outta here. "

" Look at my arm. " Ryan covered his entire arm in scales, not even looking at her. 

" Holy...shit!" 

" Jade, look at the road!" 

The car swerved to the left; the screeching tires instantly irritated Ryan's ears. Meanwhile, as the two were distracted, a car coming in the opposite direction sped hastily towards them. Jade let out a yelp as she quickly and violently turned the steering wheel. Ryan's face slammed on the glass window making Vaxis let out a deep chuckle.

" That hurt... " Ryan grumbled, pulling his face off of the window.

" A thank you would've been more appropriate. " Vaxis appeared on Ryan's shoulder. 

" I'm's j-just...whoa. That's a really r-really really big whoa. " Jade's eye twitched, " On second thought...if I'm honest with you. You really were the worst. "

" THANKS. I know. " Ryan yawned, " I just wanna crawl in a ditch. "

" I can help you with that. " Jade joked, but the boy just sniffled, " Uh...back when we first met. I'm sorry for being such a bitch. "

" It's whatever..." Ryan cried, " I don't care about anything anymore. "

" Aw, don't say that. "

" don't know me. I...literally just..lost everything. I'm awful. "

" I mean, you're not Hitler. "

" Thanks...really needed that one, Jade. "

" Come on...uh...when was the last time you slept? "

" One..week...two-three weeks ago. "

" Wow. I think you should get some rest; we have a few more hours of driving before we arrive in Ocean City. " Jade watched Ryan rub his eyes, " I promise I'll drive safe. "

" Hey...if we crashed, I wouldn't care at this point. " Ryan started to drift off.

" Yeah yeah, whatever. " Jade turned to him, and he was already snoring, " Rest easy, Ryan. "

She chuckled, her eyes glancing at the fuel gauge. Her smile slowly turned into a frown seeing that big red letter. 'E.' "I knew I should've filled this piece of junk up before I left. " Jade groaned as she turned the wheel. With another groan, she drove off of the highway, finding a gas station to park at. She got out of the car and looked around for any employees, and sighed when she saw that there was no one in sight. The only thing in the area was a convenience store, the lamppost light flickering eerily. The sky began to get dark with the stars sparkling above.

Jade grabbed the gasoline pump and started to fill up the car's tank. Some gasoline leaked out of the pump and fell on her fresh white sneakers making her growl angrily. She slammed her hands on the hood of the car, making a loud BAM! Her body shivered as she quickly looked inside the car to see if she woke up her step-brother but was Ryan fast asleep. His dreads covering his face as his snores could be heard from outside of the vehicle. Vaxis laid on Ryan's lap in a miniature form, curled up in a ball and snoring as well.

" He's actually...adorable. " Jade mumbled.


She looked up from the window and saw a man resting his elbows on the top of her car. She cringed, looking at his all-leather outfit. Then, her gaze moved from his clothes to his slick, greasy, jet-black mullet and his amber-colored eyes. The man gave her a cheeky grin, a gold tooth in the middle of the front row of his teeth.

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