The Announcement

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" C-Citizens of Sky City...

The mayor's voice was heard loudly throughout EVERY device in Sky City. Citizens watched through phones, television screens, or the giant billboard-sized screen in the middle of the city. Usually, most citizens would be happy to see their mayor. She was friendly, charming, and, most importantly, dedicated to making their home a better place. However, something was off, way off. The mayor visibly trembled, tears ruining her makeup.  

" It's me...Mayor Belle. I come to you to introduce the most f-fabulous, wonderful, magical, and the woman who should've been mayor in the first place; the marvelous Robin Thorne. "

Hearing that name made some people's skin crawl. The mayor praised Robin Thorne, quickly one of the most nefarious names in Sky City history. People in bars groaned in disgust as they took a sip of their alcohol while watching the news on the small T.V.  just above the counter. Meanwhile, Robin Thorne twirled in front of the camera, pulling a security guard with her into the frame. Robin and the security guard stood next to the mayor, a bright fake smile plastered on the guard's face.

" Greetings to you all! " Robin boisterously shouted, " The Big Man of crime, himself has sent me to announce on his behalf. Long story short, he is going to be your new king. You heard me right, KING. He'll make all of you his precious underlings, servants, or slaves, and he promises to reshape this world! "

Those keywords hit hard like a hammer in the audience's mind. King, slaves, servants, underlings, what could all for this mean to them? Their faces of disgust for Robin Thorne slowly metamorphosed into faces of fear and despair. Some started full-on crying, unable to hold back their tears. Others began to toss objects in their houses or workplaces angrily. Then, through their screens, they could hear a slight chuckle from Robin. It gave everyone chills.

"Unless, " She continued, " one of your countries' champions impresses him in a display of combat and skill in an event hosted by yours truly. It'll be one of a kind; it'll leave you breathless, speechless and have you on the edge of your seat! 'The Tournament of Champions.' We welcome ALL contenders, but we encourage abnormals to join. It'd be boring to watch useless humans with no powers slaughter each other for a few days. " 

Wung Kang sighed as he sat on his sofa with his feet under him, staring at his small, old television. The announcement crept on him faster than he would've liked. He grabbed his remote and raised the volume, paying full attention to every word Robin was saying. Concurrently, the police started preparing for a full-on assault at the news station to save the mayor. They grabbed their biggest guns, placed them on their vests, and sent groups of officers charging into the garage to get vehicles.

" There will be a bracket-style tournament layout, simple. The rules are as follows: 

1. All form of weaponry is welcomed.

2. To win a match, your opponent must admit defeat, be thrown out of the ring, or die.

3. The last four winners will be put into a team. Then, matched up against the challengers of The Big Man's choosing. 

" Oh....b-but when d-does the tournament begin Robin? " The guard stuttered, reading from the teleprompter in front of him.

" I'm glad you asked! The tournament will begin precisely three months from now, at noon. That should give each and every one of you to prepare. " Robin replied, " It'll be held on a small island just 40 kilometers west of Sky City; trust me, you won't miss it. " 

Project Renegade: Tournament of Champions (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now