"He took my pencil!"

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    I walk in to school as i spot Maya.. "boy did i miss her yesterday" i think to myself

    Maya comes running towards me like she hasn't seen me in a thousand years.

    "Hey maya!" I smile at her

    "Hey y/n.. what did i miss yesterday"

    I tell her what had happened yesterday but leave out the part with Elijah.

    "Huh. Sounds boring, like usual" she says teasingly, "i just don't understand how you like this dump of a place".

    "It's not that i like it, i just don't mind going, i guess"  i say as we walk down the hallways.

    We talk until we have to part our ways down the hall and we each say goodbye.

    I get into Mr. Matthews class and sit in the back like usual. I listen to everyone's conversations and my eyes wonder around the classroom, and they stop at Elijah Best. He's sitting on the desk with a basketball in his arms. He's sitting next to his best friend, Chase Miller. Girls are all over Chase as they are with Elijah. Chase had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. He had the "90s curtain hair" that all the girls drool over. I'd have to be the only girl in school who doesn't have a crush on these two.. yes, they are hot, but to have a CRUSH on them? No way. They're jerks.

    "Best and Miller, off the table" Mr. Matthews says as he enters the classroom putting his suitcase down on the table.

    Elijah sighs and sits down as Chase flips Mr. Matthews off when he's not looking, then sits down. The class giggles and Mr. Matthews looks up furrowing his eyebrows.

    Mr. Matthews clears his throat before speaking, "today we will be working with the same people who we are working on our projects with,"

    I stare at Elijah and Elijah turns around to me, i quickly look away but he's still staring.

    "Today," Matthews continues, "we will be working with our partners to understand the studies of matter. The motion and behavior through space and time, as the related entities of energy and force. Mostly how the universe behaves, as we scientists like to call it, PHYSICS!!"
    The class groans because of how boring this sounds, but personally, i think it's kind of fascinating.

    "Now get off your lazy butts and get to work!!" Matthews exclaims.

    As i was about to get up, i realize Elijahs already waking my way. I sit back down waiting for him to get over here.

    "This class is shit." Elijah says as he pulls a chair over and sits in it across from me.

    "I think it's actually pretty cool.. " i say ashamed and look down.

    Elijah looks at me confused "That's because you're a dweeb" he smirks knowing that he's annoying me.

    I try to say something back to him, but words can't come out of my mouth. "That's the perk of being shy, you can never say anything you want around anyone", i say sarcastically in my head. It's like every time i want to speak, there's something holding my words back that won't let them out.

    His smile fades as i didn't give him the reaction he wanted out of me.

    I start rushing through the questions, answering them at ease, assuming that Elijah is just copying down what I'm writing.

    "Can i borrow a pencil" he asks.

    "We're already HALF way into the period and NOW he asks for a pencil? I've almost filled out the whole worksheet and NOW he asks for a pencil? Unbelievable!" I think to myself. Yet again, something's pulling my words back in my throat so i just hand him the pencil without any guff.


    I get to the next period and realize that Elijah has never given my pencil back. HE TOOK MY PENCIL! That twitt! I don't have any others. I had to be that one kid who asks the other for a pencil.


    At lunch time i finally sit with Maya.

    "Maya, the worst thing happened" i say with a frown on my face"

    "What happened!?" She asked concerned.

    "Someone stole my pencil"

    "Your pencil..? Is that why you're upset!?" She is about to burst into laughter.

    "Yes, and it's not funny." I say, almost laughing too.

    As we were heading to our next period, i feel a tap on my shoulder. I look behind me to see Elijah Best. My heart dropped for a reason that i don't know. I look up at him waiting to hear the reason that he tapped me.

    I look over at Maya and she has the most confused expression on her face. I look back at Elijah and step back not knowing how close together we were.

    "Are you coming to my house to finish the project again?" He asks looking down at me. It's only now i realize the significant height difference between me and Elijah.

    "Sure. I'll ask my mom if that's okay with her." I look at him smiling.

    A smirk begins to grow on his face "you need to ask your mommy?" He says teasingly"

    My smile fades and my face turns red.

    He laughs, "i was just teasing you. You're fun to get a rise out of" he says as his laughter dies. "I'll meet you at the same place same time?" He says walking backwards.

    "Sure" i say looking up, my face still red from the embarrassment.

    He nods and turns around and continues walking.

    By the end of the school day i heard rumors that Elijah and Brandon -a senior that is a jerk- got into a serious fist fight and they both got suspended.

Hey. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. It's not my best writing, but it's something. I have so many ideas for this story in later chapters that i can't wait to write. As of right now, I'm improvising with the story, but, as i mentioned, i do plan some great ideas in the future!

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