I felt lost

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    I sat down on my bed as Maya rummaged through my closet to find a dress for me to wear.

    "How about this one?" she asked pulling out a red, tight dress, It was short and revealing.

    The dress is a hand-me-down from my older cousin, I would never buy a dress like that for myself.

    "Yeah right," I said as I rolled my eyes. I pulled out black leggings and an oversized sweater. "This... Is more my style."

    Maya laughed at my outfit preference.

    Somehow she convinced me to wear that red dress. She has a way of getting me to do things.

    She did my makeup and when I looked in the mirror, I could've sworn I wasn't the same nerdy dweeb I was just an hour ago.


    I hadn't realized how rich Chase was. He literally lives in a mansion. I stood in the doorway to his house observing everything. I looked to my side seeing that Maya had already left me. I felt alone. I was in a room full of ruthless, drunk, horny teenagers.

    I felt someone turn me around. I looked up to see a tall blonde boy.


"Didn't think you'd come. Quite a surprise to see you" he said looking down at me.

"Yeah well, I was kind of dragged here," I said with a forced laugh.

He looked up and down at me which caused me to blush. He then quickly looked up at me.

"Wheres that girl.." he snapped his fingers repeatedly trying to remember her name "Maya, I think it was... Is she here?"

"Oh, she's somewhere around here." I said. I really didn't want him to leave me to myself.

"Great, I'll go look for her-" he said with a half smile.

Right as he was about to walk away he quickly turned back to me with traces of a smirk across his face. "-do you want to see Elijah?" he said looking down at me.

I hesitated. I didn't exactly want to see him since I didn't know him too well, but on the other hand I didn't want to be alone.

"Sure." I finally said. Chase quickly directed me to where he was.

I was expecting Elijah to be making out with a girl, or drunk with friends, but to my suprise he was just standing outside, alone.

I walked up to him but he didn't seem to acknowledge my presence.

He was wearing all black which blended in with the night. The strobe lights from inside were bright enough to light up where we were standing but if we went any further outside, we wouldn't be able to see a thing.

"Hey." I finally said after a couple seconds of awkward silence.

He glanced at me with a slight smile then looked down at his feet.

"What are you doing here?" he finally said, looking up at me. His smile turned into a neutral expression.


"You seemed lonley" I lied. I came to him because I was the one feeling lonely, but he didn't need to know that.

He nodded his head in return. He slid his hand through his messed up hair. I noticed a hickey on his neck. This man couldn't go one night without hooking up with a girl I swear.

   He then looked at his phone. His eyes almost popped out of his head.

    "Shit" he mumbled as he typed something into his phone. He looked around frantically then his eyes locked onto me. "We have to get out of here" he said grabbing my arm.

    "Where are we going!?" I asked as he practically threw me into the passenger seat of his car.

    I seen Chase opening the doors in a hurry and letting everybody out of the house.

    "Far away. Don't look back, don't scream, don't try to escape" Elijah said as he got into the car. "You will be safe if you just listen to what I say."

    I started to worry.

    What is happening? Is he kidnapping me? Am I going to die?

    All those thoughts went away as I heard a gunshot in the far distance coming from Chase's house.


    Hey guys. Please let me know what you think so far into the comments and if you have any suggestions please let me know, they'd be appreciated!


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