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    The wind rushed through me making chills go through my body. The sky looked like it was painted with a bright orange and red as the sun was setting. The wind was messing my hair up and blowing the fall leaves all over the place.

It was currently 4:55 pm and I was walking to the abandoned food store. Curiosity was still filling my mind and the same question of why he wanted to meet here repeated over and over again. I didn't really know what to expect; just a week ago we had a near death experience from a psycho shooter that was clearly after Elijah and Chase.

    A tap on my shoulder took me from my thoughts, I turned around without hesitation and met my eyes with Elijah Best. He had those same cold, dead eyes that I was now familiar with. He started hysterical laughing and my face was burning up.

    "You should've seen the look on your face!" He somehow managed to say between his laughter.

"Shut up!" I said pushing his shoulder playfully.
"Why did you bring me here?" I asked.

His laugher died down but he was still smirking a bit. He pointed to something behind me. When I turned around I seen a latter built in to the building.

"Are we supposed to climb it?" I said stuttering a bit.

"Why? Are you scared?" Elijah teased. He was still smirking. "Come on," he motioned for me to go on the latter "ladies first."

I rolled my eyes and began climbing. Every step was terrifying.

    "Your ass looks nice from this perspective." Elijah mentioned as he was following right behind me.

    I rolled my eyes at his idiotic comment and ignored it. When I got to the top I stood close to the edge and looked down. I now realized I had a slight fear of highs. I stepped back from the edge in fear.

    "I come here a lot," Elijah said from behind me as he put his elbow on my shoulder "mostly to think. I come here to escape reality for a while."

    I looked at him with confusion. He was staring far out into the sky. His face was glowing with the reflection of the sunset.

    "So why did you bring me here?" I asked hoping he'd answer me this time.

    The only thing I could hear was the wind howling. He looked at me with a blank expression. But something was off about the way he was looking at me. His eyes weren't blank and cold anymore, they were far from that, in fact his eyes were full of fear. An emotion I never thought I'd see from Elijah.

    "They're after you. " he finally said after a long moment of silence.

    I had no words. Did he mean that there were psycho murderers after me?

    "Who is after me?" I said giving him a death stare making me seem more intimidating than I actually was.

    "That's the thing, I don't know.." He sighed. He looked back at the sky and slid his hand through his hair. "But I do know that they're smart. Smarter than us."

    And thus, the last time I'd ever be the same.

Hey I know this chapter was short and I know I keep saying that I'm going to make chapters longer, and I will, but so much has been going on in my life right now and it's taking a while to write. I'm kind of having my own real-life love story right now and it's the most magical thing but also really stressful and scary, so I truly am sorry for the delay of chapters, I'm working my ass off for you guys, love u lots!

- Amanda

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