Just the Beginning

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    I look back frantically, trying to catch a glimpse of what was happening. All I could see was the faint strobe lights filling the big house in the distance.

    Elijah tapped me on my arm causing me to quickly turn around without thought.

    "What did I say about looking back?" He asked sternly. He seemed concentrated on the road but checked his rear view mirror every couple of seconds.

    I jumped at the sound of two more distant gunshots from the distance. The feeling of panic rushed through me when i realized that Maya might've still been in the house.

    I grabbed out my phone in a hurry and texted Maya.

Me: Maya are you okay?

                            -5 Minutes Later-

Me: Maya answer me, are you okay!?

    Twenty minutes passed by and I still didn't get an answer. I started to get anxious. I would die if anything happened to her, she's been my best friend since the sixth grade.

    "Turn around, we need to go back to Chase's house now!" I said sternly but quite weak since I was in so much fear.

    "Are you crazy?" He said unbelievably.

    "My friend is potentially still in that house and I don't want anything happening to her!" I said almost yelling.

    Instead of answering, he just nodded his head no and kept driving in the same direction.

    This felt so surreal. Why was this happening the one time I decide to leave the house?

    After a couple stressful minutes, my eyelids began to feel heavy and before I knew it, i was asleep. It was probably one of the worst sleeps I've had in a while.


    I jolted up in pure fear. I was sweating and my whole body rushed with heat. I realized that I wasn't in my room. I wasn't even in a room. I was in a car. That's when I remembered what had happened. I felt a slight headache.

    The moon shown from the window. There were no cars on the road and the only sound was the sound of Elijahs car and the heavy wind from outside. When I looked at the time, only forty-five minutes had past.

    Elijah pulled off to the side of the rode and I looked at him wondering why he has stopped.

   "Listen," he said underneath his breath "This wasn't supposed to happen.. and i wasn't supposed to bring you along. Don't tell anybody," he looks at me dead in the eyes "anybody about this."

    I shook my head in agreement. I didn't know what was happening or why this was happening nor did I know when this will be over, but one thing I knew for sure was that if i wanted to be safe, I'd have to listen to him. So that's exactly what I did.

    "I'll explain this later," he continued. Breaking the silence surrounding us, I heard a car speeding up from behind us. The moonlight was no longer the only light shining on us. Now it was the cars headlights getting progressively brighter as it came closer towards us until it was blinding. "But I'll save that for another time." As he said that, he drove away as fast as the car could go.

    I wanted to think this was fake, I wanted to think that this wasn't actually happening. But it was most definitely real.

    A couple minutes past until we reached a cliff. We were now cornered by whoever was in that car.

    I heard Elijah curse under his breath. He then looked at me with those cold, dead, unemotional eyes.

    "Stay here." he said as he got out and slammed the door shut.

    This is insane. This must be a dream.

    I heard my car door open. Elijah was right in front of the car so it couldn't of been him. I looked to see who it was and it was some guy with a black mask and a black hood on. He pulled me out of the car and gripped me tight by my waist.

I seen Elijah put his hands into fists getting ready to punch him. He looked tensed. I felt more at ease when I remembered that nobody lost a fight with Elijah Best.

All my tension came back when I felt a cold pistol beside my head. I heard him cocking the gun. I couldn't move, partly because someone was holding me back and partly because I was in so much shock. I closed my eyes because I didn't want to see what was happening.

     I felt the gun being taken away from my head and all I heard was grunting and punching. I moved forwards trying to get away from this.

    A couple minutes go by and all i hear is a big thump on the ground. I felt someone take my arm and drag me. I tried escaping until I realized who it was.

    "It's just me, y/n." Elijah said irritated. "Come on we have to get out of here before he,"  he nods towards the body on the ground "wakes up."

    I didn't say anything else, I just shook my head in agreement as I sat myself inside the passenger seat of Elijahs car.

    The rest of the car ride home was pure silence. I had no idea what was going on, but I knew that this was just the beginning.

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