How were you so calm!?

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Human AU

3rd person POV-

Gavin woke up from his sleep, he turned on his phone and the brightness almost made him blind, "phck" gavin checked the time on his phone, 5:50. 'ha very funny brain, waking me up 10 minutes early', Gavin got up to take a shower, when taking off the shirt he notices some scratches on his chest, he open the bathroom slightly and saw his cat on his bed sleeping, he sighed realizing his cat must have scratch him during her sleep, he then close the door and locked it and continued ......

(after the shower) 6:50

Gavin dried his hair and went to the drawer to find some socks for himself, he heard a knock at his door, "gavin sweetie Tina chan is here" Gavin smiled and walked out of his room, he went down the stairs and saw tina waiting for him, she waved at him and he did the same. "you backpack is near the chair gav" tina said pointing at his backpack, "thanks T". Gavin sat on the chair and put his shoes on and grabbed his backpack.

"Bye mom" gavin said hugging her, "be good sweetie, I believe in you" she said smiling at him, Gavin and Tina walked out of the house and walked towards the bus stop, "you have no idea how hard it is to not curse in front of your mom gav" tina said, "same here T" Gavin said to her laughing. They made there way to the bus stop, and gav saw his police pal, hank. " HANK OLD MAN WASS UP" gavin said running to the police officer that was on patrol. "kid for the last time i'm not old" hank said, "you sure officer Anderson" Tina said, "your already having gray hair" Tina pointed out, "Tina don't get involved in this" hank said shaking his head.

"father" a voice said behind hank, hank turned around, "yes son", a boy about gavin age but maybe older, "conner is not in the car" he said, hank paused, "hE'S wHAt", "conner is no-" the boy didn't finish his sentence cause hank ran like his life depends on it, "GAVIN KEEP ON WATCH" hank yelled. "hell yeah" gavin said and did a little victory dance, he stood on hanks place and Tina joined him, the boy looked confused but did the same and stood beside gavin, they stood there for a few minutes, the boy looked at his side and saw a man coming running towards the kids, "a man is coming towards the kids" gavin and Tina looked to were the boy was looking.

Gavin grabbed the boys hand and ran towards the man, "HEY wait up" Tina yelled at them, the man saw them running towards them and took his gun out and pointed at them, they stop dead on there tracks. "move or i'll shoot", gavin looked at Tina, she looked terrified, gavin then looked at the boy he meet earlier, he had a calm face, 'HOW THEY PHCK IS HE CALM'. The boy then whispers loud enough for us to hear, "when I take a step you two IMMINENTLY crouch down understand" Gavin was about so say something, but the boy looked at him straight in the eyes, his eyes was a beautiful sky blue with a mixer with dark blue.

They both nodded and then the boy took a step, gavin and tina crouch down like he said, a bullet shot, Gavin looked up to the boy, the man missed the shot, "I see you don't  know how to use the gun sir" the boy says, "I-I just shoot for the w-warning" the man shuddered says.

"why are you going to shoot some random teenagers" the boy says to the man taking little steps, Gavin stood up and also did tina, "we are not here to hurt you" Gavin said, "Tina go check if everyone is safe and take them to a safe place" Tina nodded and lifted her hands up and slowly walked away. "I don't know, I just want my daughter back" the man saids tearing up, " we can help you find her" Gavin said take little steps like the boy he just met did.

"I don't trust you, Your not even polices" the man saids, "we aren't polices but we have minds and knowledge to figure it out if you just tell us what happened to your daughter" the boy said, " What's your name" gavin says, " I-Im Joe" the man was trembling and slowing lowering his gun, "Im Conan" conan saids, "And i'm Gavin", gavin phone was buzzing, he slowly picked it up and put it on speaker, " gav the kids are fine and there far away from the situation and I also cleared the area..... good luck"  "Thanks T" Gavin hanged up, " Now that you know our names would you please tell us what happen to your daughter so we can help you Joe"

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