The football player

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High school AU

"Today class we are going to Unit 5 ' The American Revolution ', ok students go to page 244" Gavin growled in annoyance but follow orders, it was his 3 period and he wants to go home already.

His mind was going blank, usually his best friend Tina would be here to tease him or make his life better but turns out she got sick. Gavin cursed to himself, and look up to the teacher, he thought the teacher was looking at him so he got nervous, "Conan Anderson please focused on the lesson" the teacher said out loud.

Oh yeah, he forgot that his crush sits in front of him, gosh even thinking about him gets him goosebumps.

He's grateful that he sits behind him, he has boarded shoulders, and very tall. Sometimes Gavin sleeps behind him without the teacher noticing.

And today was one of those days, he slept through the class not caring what other people think about him.

Gavin was daydreaming about him and his crush going on a date but then something popped up of his mind.

He will never have the chance to go out with him, what if he doesn't like him? What it was a prank? Will he cheat on him? Is he even gay?

Questions like those always popped up in Gavin's mind.

You see Gavin is a smart boy, he's around 5'3, wants to be a police when he's older, is a nerd and an asshole when he wants to be but is very nice if you get to know him.

While on the other hand, Conan is a football player, he's buff and strong, is very cold around people, always has a straight face, gets angry but is patient with people he knows, he's about 6'3, he likes to read and is very smart.

Gavin always tries to find a way to get close to him but a specific person named pearl pushes him away.

Gavin once tried to talk to his brother, Conner, but couldn't cause he's in a different grade.

Gavin's thoughts pissed him off, he hit his head on the table hard hoping it will make him unconscious.

Gavin's POV

"Gavin please stop banging your head on the table, I don't want to send you to the nurse's office, again," The teacher said to me, "Sorry Ms," I said back to her.

"Anyways there is going to be a project to do with partners, and no you are not choosing your partners" I heard sighs and I even sigh myself, I wanted to work by myself, I don't like working with people I don't know.

"The partners are posted outside on the bulletin board, your period 3 so check on the period 3 paper, you may now have your free time"

I place my stuff in my backpack and almost every girl came over to my direction, I already knew why.

"Omg Conan you're so strong"
"You did amazing in the game"
"Please be mine"
"Can I wear your jacket"

All of those questions there asking him makes me what to punch them in the face and tell them to fuck off. [Same Gavin same 😤]

I looked over to Conan and he just sat there reading his book, it's impressive that he got used to his fans.

I grabbed my backpack and laid it on my desk to make a pillow for me, I laid my head on it and "tried" to rest.

Apparently the leader of the football team, Markus, made his way to Conan and sho the fans, Conan sigh to himself and thanked him, I smiled to myself mentally thanking him too.

I felt something move my backpack slightly and I looked up, Conan back is in a comfortable position and his back is touching my backpack, his breathing is calming which calmed me down and I slowly fell asleep.

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