The blue/green eye boy

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"agh," a boy yelped, a splash of water was heard. His hair soaked, his clothes are damped. Looking down at the flowing water and back at the bullies with a huffed, "thanks, feels nice" the boy says smiling at them. "quit smiling! y-your supposed to be crying, you asshole" one of the bullies yelled at the boy. Giggles left the boys tender lips, "why should I? I love the water" the boy said, his green Forest eyes glimmer.

The bullies kicked some water at the boy making him flinched a bit. They left the boy sitting there in confusion. With a sigh, the green eye boy stood up and picked up his bag. "hm? Gavin! geez, kid, let's get you inside" Hank a 5th-grade teacher said to the boy. As Gavin's dripping water entered the school campus, the bell rung. "I'll write you a pass, don't worry" hank assures him, the boy nodded.

Hank took him to the student council, he helped Gavin dried his hair with and towel. "what happened this time" Hank asked, "some bullies pushed me to the ditched, I was smiling about it and they then left me" Gavin answered him. Hank just sigh, he handed the boy some extra clothes.

Gavin changed into his new school clothes, "thanks hank" he said to the man, Hank nodded and gave him a pass to class. Gavin walked to his class with a pass on his hand, he then entered class stoping the teacher from teaching.

"Now what? this is the 3rd time this week you come lat-" the teacher stopped when someone stood behind him and place a firm hand on Gavin's shoulder. Gavin turned his head to see the person, it was Hank. "He's now excused for the 3 days," Hank said with a half-smile.

"y-yes sir," the teacher said, Gavin gave Hank a smile and went to sit on his chair. The teacher huffed and continue teaching the lesson, he felt people talking behind his back and snickering. "be strong Gavin" he told himself. When class was on break, he felt the laughter behind him become louder. "Hey freak face!" one kid said, Gavin looked up and saw him holding a book. Gavin's eyes widen and covered his head for the impact.

Seconds have passed, Gavin carefully opened his eyes. A boy was standing in front of him taking the impact for him. Gasps were heard around the room, "huh? oh shit-" the kid said pulling the book away.  The kid turned around to see Gavin's panicked face.

Blood was dripping from his forehead, his cold ice eyes pierce through him, the blue eye boy smiled at Gavin and patted his head. He then left the classroom, in the hallway they can hear the teacher scream in terror. That day forward Gavin was determined to see the blue eye kid again.





"waah! Tina's not here again Chris" Gavin whines to Chris. Chris Miller was a smart kid in class, he's shy and doesn't like talking to many people, he's a softy. "I know Gavin, She must be really sick to skip school for two days straight," Chris said letting out a sigh. Gavin lets out a chuckle, "she ain't straight tho"

"Neither are you" Chris laughs out, Gavin just shrugs and gets off of the wall. "Ah! Quick take pictures or it never happened!" One girl squealed out, scaring Gavin and Chris. "Gavin be careful!" Chris yelled at him, "eh? what are you talking about- mph!"

Silence, Gavin was frozen, blue eyes were looking at him as his lips were attached to his. The guy slowly pulled away, Gavin's face darkening as he looked down. "EEEK! YOU BITCH!!" Gavin yelled at him while punching him in the face.



"I'm sorry," Gavin says putting chopstick on his lips. "that doesn't sound nor look forgiving," the guy says with an ice pack on his face. "Fine, I'm sorry... what's your name?" Gavin said plumping his lips, "my name is Conan" the tall one says to the smaller. Gavin looked at Conan but quickly looked away, the blue eyes are drowning him. "I'm sorry Conan for punching you in the face, it was an uh instinct" Gavin tried to explain. "At least look me in the eye" Conan huffs out, "You ask too much" Gavin sighs. He picks up his bag from the chair, "Miss I'm leaving for class" Gavin said to the nurse.

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