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- age: 5 -
"come on bear" young Gavin said excitedly to his best friend, little footsteps were heard hitting the concrete. "coming gav!" young Conan said as he hurried to his best friend, he brought some sandwiches for them.

Giggles were heard from Gavin as he saw Conan fast walking with the lunch his mother made for them, when Conan caught up, they walked in the sand, the soft sand spreading through their sandal and gently hitting their tiny toes, the warmth of sand as they walked to find a spot to sit.

When they did, they spread a blanket on the sand and place the basket on the blanket, they sat down and talked nonsense as they ate and enjoy the sunset. Such an innocent world they live in, nothing to harm them, living the life as kids. "bear..." Gavin said almost silently, Conan looked in the direction of his best friends and smiled at him, the smile that warms Gavin's heart, makes him feel safe. "yes gav?"

"awe we going to be fwends forewer," he asked, his eyes teared up at the thought of them not being friends, the thought of the smile he sees every day, every morning and afternoon, would disappear.

"of course we are going to be friends forever silly," Conan said smiling at Gavin, he wiped the tears of Gavin's chubby face, he leaned his head towards Gavin's, "forever"...

- age: 10-

"come on gav, you have to wake up!" Conan said tugging on the blanket on top of Gavin, "noooo, I don't wanna!" Gavin whined making Conan sigh, "you leave me no choice," he said, he got on top of Gavin and hugged him, knowing well how much he weighs, "gAh, GeT OfF! YOu'Re HeAvY! oK Ok, I'll GeT uP!" Gavin said defended, conan got off and smiled at gavin, "your mom made breakfast so hurry", with that he left the room.

Gavin got prepared and went to the kitchen, seeing his mother, his brother, and Conan talking. Elijah looked up, he jumped and ran to Gavin, "you're finally awake you sleepy head!" he said rubbing Gavin's hair, he heard chuckling from his friend. "That's enough Elijah, your baby brother needs food for his brain," Gavin's mother said smirking when she said, baby brother.

Conan and Gavin went walking to the bus stop and talked about other things, They entered the bus and sat on their seats. When they arrived at the school they went their separate ways to go to class, Gavin walked to his class with his fingers clenched to his backpack. He hated his class, always bullying him, for what you may ask, nothing, nothing, in particular, they just thought it was funny seeing him cry.

"Guess who's back girls?" Jake said as he pushes his hair back and winked at the girls making them giggle. Gavin rolled his eyes and continued walking to his seat, but was tripped, laugher was heard, "if only Conan was here" Gavin thought, he held back tears and sat down.

- age: 15 -

"oh god," Gavin thought, he remembers Conan promising him to wait for him after class for the first time in high school, "what would the bullies think" Gavin closed his eyes tightly as the last minute of the class went by, the sound of the bell rang through his ears, he hugged his backpack closely, he heard the whispers of the girls next to him, the footsteps came closer to him, he looked up and saw his best friend smiling at him.

"ready gav?" he said, his deep voice always take his breathe away, Gavin nodded and grabbed his backpack, he could still hear the whispers of the girls, "let's go to the cafe in the afternoon" he said, gavin only nodded, "your quiet? wassup" conan said looking at Gavin with worried eyes, "I'm tired, my eyes hurt Bear," Gavin said tiredly, "shit, sorry I shouldn't keep you awake last night, my fault"

"No, it fine, it's Friday either way," Gavin said smiling at him, they walked to the cafeteria, it was Gavin's turn to make lunch for them both since they hated school lunch. "what's for today," Conan said peaking in the bag. "hey!" Gavin said laughing, he took out a neatly wraps square, "sandwich!" Gavin said, both of them laughed and ate their lunch.

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