Smile for the tests

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Warning: you will see Grammer mistakes and misspellings, I'll fix it when i'm not lazy

Conan Anderson, a detective working for Detroit Police Department, with his brother Conner Anderson, who is a lieutenant.

Let's describe him, Conan is.... Well he's just cold, and always and I mean always have a straight face, not that he's straight, he just like that.

The only expression he has is a smirk, mad face and a straight face, nothing else. Well not until a Android came to his life, a Gv900, his name is Gavin.


Gavin pouted as he walked into the department, he was hired to be here, because of his " Behavior needs to be fix".

He walked in by the slide doors, a woman looked up and smiled at him, "Welcome Gv900, Amanda is in her office, she's waiting for you, please sign in" She said pointing at the clipboard in front of her.

Gavin nodded and went to sign in, the woman then brought him closer and whispered to his ear, "better watch your back, people will be jealous that your working with a handsome man" She warned.

"Be careful, I'm Tina just so you know" She said extending her hand to him, "thanks for the warning" Gavin said scratching his neck.

With that Gavin went to find this "Amanda". He wasn't looking were he was going until he was bumped into a tall man. He was wearing a skin color coat, black turtle neck, black dress pants and black dress shoes. His hair slightly pushed back, until the right side is sticking out.

Gavin stared at the man, information came to his vision, "Conan Anderson" Gavin mumbled out. The man only stared at him and walked away, "meat bag" Gavin mumbled at him, "plastic prick" Conan said back.

Gavin in surprised looked back, Conan smirk and it turned to a smile. Gavin stunned and blushed a bright blue, he looked in front of him, he tried to make his way to Amanda's office but bumped into things along the way.

Conan sat down at his desk, and looked at the Android he met. He laughed at the action he did, clumsy hitting desks and making his way to Amanda's office.

Conan reimagined the blush the android made, which made him chuckle. Some woman around him, shockingly looked at him and whispered at each other, wondering how they can make him smile and laugh, like the new worker did.

A brave woman, trying not to be suspicious walked where Conan can have a view and clumsy bumped into things, and checking if Conan saw it, but to only see him working on things with his cold look.

Frustrated, she walked back to her desk to only be tripped and coffee poured on her dress. Some people laughed at her as she was embarrassed, " whoops" Someone said.

She looked up and saw Tina with a empty cup of coffee, she cursed at her. "Fucking plastic! " She yelled, Gavin was half way through the steps until he heard someone yell.

He turned around to see his new friend being yelled at. His instinct kicked in, he ran to the woman, he picked her up and back hugged her, "oh than-" Before she knew it, she was flipped upward and hit on the head, not that hard, but hard enough to feel pain.

He lets her go, he gave a thumbs up to tina and ran to the Amanda's office since he's now late. "Well damn" Conan says with a smirk, his eyes follows to the Android that walked in to Amanda's office.

"What the fuck! He noticed that but not my clumsiness! " The woman yelled.


"Ok, first of all, you can't treat my employees like that and secondly, wow... How!? Bitch I'm fucking impressed " Ananda said laughing with disbelief.

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