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Y/n's Point of View

Chae seems sad these days. So i made a funny note:

1. Fish was drowned, and was found dead!

2. 2 balds, grabbed each other's hair, 2 lice was found dead

3. Factory of insecticides was full of insects!

4. A house that doesn't have stairs, got robbed upstairs!

5. A corpse was left inside a burning house was found dead!

6. A monkey reading this laughing

I gave the note to Chae-Young and she burst out laughing hard. Everybody in the hallway looked at the note then they also burst out laughing.

"Wh-Who invented this?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHA so funny!!!"

"I just saw that on facebook and-HAHAHAHAHA!" I laughed

"Hahahahahahahahahaahhahahaha nice!!!"


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