Chapter 1: Bye Bye Saunter Springs

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Jahturi in media

"Mulann, party of one, you may now board the flight to Linketa Heights " the woman in a blue dress says over the speakers.

The flight gate was full of impatient riders and displeased waiters. As I make my way to the front of the line, another woman unclips the rope letting me inside. I dig into my carry on and hand the man my boarding pass, he quickly scans it with ease and smiles at me. His forehead furrows and his eyes innocently light up.

"Enjoy your flight" he says and tips his blue hat at me.

Jeez the workers here are mad nice.

"Thank you" I say smiling back. He hands me my ticket and I roll my suitcases on the plane.

The plane is full of rows of seats and flight attendants. It smells of peanuts and windex. Making my way to the back I put my suitcases above me in the overhead cases then take my seat in 27 C. As more people start to file onto the plane, a boy sits next to me with his mother. His skin caramel and his hair short and black, he had deep dimples and pretty white teeth.

"Guess you're our row partner huh?" he says with an ear to ear grin.

Sinking down into my chair shyly I blush a Scarlett color.

"uh.. I guess so " I respond awkwardly trying not to make eye contact.

"window seats are the best" he replies in an effort to make a conversation.

"yeah.. why not give a window seat to a girl afraid of planes?" I say sarcastically.

He looks over at me and chuckles. "I'm guessing this'll be your first time."

"Is it that obvious?" I ask rhetorically and we both laugh.

"I'm Messiah" he extends his hand out and I take it smiling.

"Jahturi " I say as his mom talks to him in Spanish.

The pilot announces that the plane is about to take off, and instructs us to put our seatbelts on. Putting mine on I push the window cover up,  staring out of it.

"Brace yourself" Messiah exclaims and points to his ears mouthing "they pop". 

I nod and lay my head back on the seat. Staring out of the window; the ground becomes distant. The cars and houses dance in the wind and after a while, Saunter Springs becomes only a speck of dust. Feeling myself dozing off at the sound of the turbulence, I relax and close my eyes.

                Two hours later...

A tap on my shoulder jolts me awake. My eyes began to adjust to being awake as I notice Messiah cheesing at me. He was pointing to a flight attendant who was also looking at me.

"Free snacks" he said.

The flight attendant smiles at me.
"would you like a drink?" she questions.

I hesitate, tiredly.  Taking a big gulp.
"Sprite please.. " I answer.

Scooping ice into a clear cup, she pours the sprite and hands it to me.
"And for your snack?"

"um... The.. Granola bar please?"

She hands me a [nature valley] granola bar and then moves the metal cart down the aisle.

"Thanks." I say appreciatively. He only smiles and continues to watch his show.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please buckle up as we begin our descent into Linketa Heights. "

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