Chapter 3: First day🏫

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**Jahturi in media***

I awake to the sound of an alarm going off, it's 6:30 in the morning. There is movement everywhere and a familiar knock on my door. Jerry walks in.

"Gotta get ready for your first day of school!" He says.

I groan and fall off of the bed.  Jerry laughs at me and helps me up. Then,  he leaves me to get ready for school. I had an outfit in mind and I go to brush my teeth.  My shower is long and warm and I almost fall asleep in it. I get dressed, slipping in a Navy blue jogging outfit and some Jordans to match.  I swoop my edges with my pink edge brush and slick my hair back. I spray my marshmallow scented perfume and make my way down the stairs.

Everyone is waiting at the door for me and I'm handed my custom made book bag with my name printed on it.  It was an MCM bag that was the sexiest shit I've ever seen.  I smile and grab a poptart from the kitchen.

"Thanks Ang and Jerry" I say smiling.

They nod and Miss Angela pushes Tez and I out the door. "Have a great first day sweetie,  have a good day at school other sweetie"

I giggle and follow Tez to the bus stop.  She looks awfully good. She wore a grey sweat suit with a blue champions shirt and matching shoes.  She still had that damn headband on but this time her hair was straight and down to her waist.  She was so sexy bruh. She sat on the bench and I sat on the other side distancing myself.  She looked a bit distracted.

"You okay?" I ask

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"You okay?" I ask.

"Yea I'm cool" She says but I know it's a lie.

"What's on your mind?" I scoot closer and she shifts looking over at me. She looks away after our eyes meet.

" I just never opened up about that shit.. It's kind of weird ya know..?" She says.  "But a nigga gon be aight " she chuckles.

The bus huffs its way to us and halts. The air is polluted with a raw smell and the brakes groan. The door swings open and we get on. The bus is packed with students and I take a seat in the back.

"Jahturiii!" A familiar voice called out from the seats behind me. I turned to see Messiah. His smile widened across his face and I smiled.

"Hey Messiah,  long time no see" I say and he hugs me. I hug him back gently and Tez pushes through him to sit next to me.

Messiah goes back to his seat and I look over at Tez..

"Um you could've said excuse me.. " I say lowly.

"He don't need to be touching you ma "she states. "How you know that nigga anyway?"

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