Chapter 6: Home sweet home

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***Jahturi in media***

It's Christmas break and my gift was visiting my best friend,  Michelle,  in my hometown for the week. Her foster family welcomes me in after I ring the door bell. Saunter Springs has never had a cold winter,  and it's particularly warm now. Nonetheless, they warm up hot cocoa on the stove and offer me a seat on their couch. I made sure not to tell Michelle so she'd be surprised to see me,  like she used to do when I lived here. 

She walks through the door with the solar system project she's been telling me about and closes it back. She turns to her parents.

"Hey mom,  Hey dad" she keeps walking until she hits the kitchen then stops dead in her tracks screaming. "BESTIE OH MY GODD. "

I run and hug her hard,  and she hugs me back as if I'm not able to be broken. Dragging me up the stairs she shows me to her room, we sit on her bed still hugging.

"mmmcht bihhhh how you pull a me on me?" she smack her teeth and laughs. "I missed you,  how long you staying?"

"Bitch I missed you even more! And if you'll have me,  the whole week" I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Is that even something you'd think I wouldn't agree too?" she asks.

I smile at the thought. I act slow asf sometimes. "good cus if you wouldn't have said yes I was gon air dis hoe out"

We laugh and she helps me unpack my glittery suitcase. After putting everything up, she sits in her bed on her phone. She smiles at a text and I raise my eyebrow.

"Is that Dayvon again?" I ask curiously.

She smiles in response.  I scoot over on the bed putting my head in her lap,  looking in her phone. Dayvon invited her to a Christmas party and she's supposed to go tomorrow.

"You wanna go to this party with me bestie? It'll be flaw as fuck"

"Only if It'll be raw ass nîggas in there cus you know how I'm coming rn"

She nods and rubs my hand. "Maybe you shouldn't worry about the guys,  you just have fun and forget about Tez hoe ass,  with her fishy ass STD infected ass strap"

"Chill Chelle.. I still love her and I don't know why" I say.

"Well this is gonna be a week of forgetting then bitch" she laughs and gets up "Let's go get sum to eat,  my stomach touching my back."

She goes downstairs and my phone buzzes for a while. Tez has been calling me since I left, and sending countless messages about how sorry she is. Pure bullshit and she knows it.  I haven't had the confidence to talk to her face to face, or at all even. I ignore it and go downstairs to Michelle,  who is already snacking on some pizza and wings her parents ordered. I sat on the bar stool and ate some wings too,  cleaning the bones.

After we all ate I decided to take a bath and use the bath bomb I got as a present from Angela. It was molded into a unicorn with pink hair and was lavender scented.  I run warm bath water and drop the bomb in and sit in it. I close my eyes and lean my head to the back of the tub,  relaxing for once. My phone buzzes again and I look, this time it's Ray. I answer.

"Hey Ray,  what's wrong?"

"Nun I was just checking up on you,  how you holding up?"

"I'm holding up barely,  but I'm aight. How are you?"

"I'm good actually. You made it over there safe and you're safe now right?"

"Yes Ray,  I'm safe " I assure her

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