Chapter 5: Birthday Girl

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***Naomi Cleaves in media***

"WAKED UP TURI" Hannah yells into my ears startling me. "It's CHUR BIRFDAYY"

I swoop her over onto my lap tickling her, like normal. Her laughter cut through the crisp fall air and she hugged me,  tight. Angela and Jerry burst into the room singing at the The top of their lungs.

"Happpppyyyy birthdayyyyy tooooo youuuuuuuu!!" they sing in unison.

I giggle and they sit the tray of breakfast onto my lap. The tray had waffles with whipped cream and strawberries on top, scrambled eggs, sausage and fruit. It's an hour earlier than the normal time I wake up, to give me time to eat.  I cheese extra hard.

"Thank you guys,  so much!" I exclaim.

I start eating, the waffles were especially crunchy and sweet. They walk out of my room after kissing my forehead and picking Hannah up. I finish eating and it's 6 AM now,  I take the tray downstairs and brush my fingers along the counter.

"We've got the dishes sweetie,  You go get ready for school. " Angela states.

"Thanks mom"

She hugs me and I walk back up the stairs, running the tops of my fingers along the wall. Tez is waiting for me on my bed, she flashes a bright smile and hands me a bag. She went shopping last night,  and I knew she had gotten me something. I sit next to her on the bed and she kisses the dimple in my cheek as I smile. I open the bag and there's a holographic textured outfit.  I squeal happily taking it out, it's the same one I wanted when we went window shopping with Ray.

"Thank you!!! OMG!! You're the best!" I shriek and hug her.

She wraps her arms around me tightly and kisses my lips softly.

"Happy birthday Princess"

She kisses me one more time then grabs my hand leading me to the bathroom. Her hands fold the end of my night shirt and she lifts it up easily. She skims her fingers along my stomach and fingers the lace of my panties, pushing them down as she smashes her lips against mine. I kiss her back gently caving under the pressure of her lips. She unhooks my bra swiftly and we shower together.

We get out and she dries me off helping me into my outfit. I dry her off and do my make up.  It's 6:30 AM now and she takes her towel into her room getting dressed.

She comes out and and stares at me up and down smiling at me as her eyes meet mine. I blush and brush my teeth then put on my coconut perfume.  She puts my book bag on me and we leave out for the bus.  Naomi was waiting for us. Her and Ray have been together for a couple of months now.  She rushes over to Tez and hugs her tight then releases her and hugs me.

"Hey Tez and Jah Jah" She greets.

I give her a light hug back and smile.
"Hey girl "

Tez sits next to her and uses Naomi's phone to call Ray.  "Nigga where yo light ass at?Ain't you meeting us here?"

"Nigga I'm on my way"

Ray pulls up shortly after and we get in. They let me sit in the front of the car as we drive off to the school. She hands us lattes from Starbucks and donuts.  Mine had colorful sprinkles and was birthday cake flavored.

"Thank you Ray" I eat my donut and sip my coffee. 

The ride was peaceful and the school seemed empty on the way in. I noticed everyone else stayed in the car as I walked in.  I went to my locker and spun the lock until it cracks open and reveals a mirror and pictures of Tez and I.  The last 5 months have been amazing with her and she makes me forget about everything.

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