Chapter 10: It's over

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***Jahturi in media***

The whole senior class met in front of the school. There were three long yellow buses waiting to be filled up and moving. Everyone was putting their luggage under the buses, in the bag carriers,  but Tez, Ray and I decided against it. I motioned for Tez to sit by me but she chose to sit in the back,  alone. I frowned and sunk low into my seat. I felt lonely, Ray was shackin' with her new boo, an Tez wouldn't even look my way. How sick is the universe? Why are punishing me?

"Alrightttttt, let's go over a few simple rules, no getting up while the bus is moving! No feet or arms, or any other body parts in the aisle, and do NOT touch the emergency handles. " Mr urwinkle yapped.

He sat in a seat upfront, chatting with the white haired driver. I got up moving to sit with Tez as the bus pulled off.

"Ms. Mulann " Urwinkle groaned.


Teziyah watched everything as it passed, staring down speedy trees and slow bodies, walking in the cool day. I watched the wheels in her eyes turn,  She was definitely thinking. I lay my head on her shoulder absentmindedly, and she leaked her head against the top of mine. I slip an earphone in her ear as we watch everything pass us, and the city fades behind us.

"Don't you need me, like you said?"

The song 'Hold onto me by Kyle Dion, blasted into our ears as we drove to the deserted camp ground. The ride was going yo take an hour and a half so I decide to give into the sleepiness and nap on Tezzy's shoulder. Teziyah's snores were soft and innocent, they vibrated off of my low sitting head.

The tires screeched below us and a very excited Teziyah taps me and tells me to get up. I slouch against her too tired to even comprehend what she was saying, until she butter necked me and I whined holding my necking.

"How many times a nigga gotta say get up?" she asked laughing.

I fix my lips into a pout and get up with an attitude, and lines stamped into my skin from her jacket. I smell like her, it's so.. Lovely. I grab my suitcase and carry it off of the bus. When my feet hit the ground,  I sit the suitcase down and pull the handle free to roll it. The rest of the senior class files off of their buses and stare at the camp grounds buried behind trees. There were various buildings such as a pavilion, a canoe dock, port a potties and more. I've actually never been camping before,  and I'm determined to make the best of it.

"Wooo!" Ray exclaims with her arm around my neck.

I laugh at how dumb she is and we all roll our suitcases to the information center. We get to pick out our own rooms,  girls with girls, boys with boys. Do they not know how gay our senior class is? I talk Tez into rooming with me,  she totally think it's a bad idea. I don't.

"Jahturi are you sure?" she questions,  unsure.

"I'm sure Teziyah.. Please?" I beg. "You're one of the only people I feel safe with.  So if I see a rat,  you gotta kill it. "

She chuckles. "Aight,  Aight. But make sho you kill the spiders then. "

We shake on it, and she checks out a cabin number, 23 star. I followed her up the dirt trail,and a huge star illuminated the wooden planks;it was sort of like a disco ball. We passed many cabins along the pathway before we finally made it to ours. She pushed the wooden door open and it groaned as it opened. Sunshine from outside poured into the cabin. There were a bunk bed and a bathroom. It was cleaner than I imagined, and well kept.

I step in and drop my bag. "Dibs on top bunk!"I shout running to the beds.

Tez rolls her eyes and sits on the bottom bunk. She lays back rubbing her temples, and I watch her fingers move slowly in a circular motion. I wish I was her temples right about now. I bite my lip and she catches me, my face flushes red and I turn away.

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