Chapter 9: HIM

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His belt buckle hits the floor and he smiles warmly at me. His hands travel to my sides, tickling me. I don't laugh because I'm afraid. My teddy sat beside me as he turned me around and bent me over. I still had my tiara on, because I was a Princess today for my birthday party. He told me we were playing pin the tail on the donkey but he isn't playing right. I struggle.

"Are you still my favorite little girl."

"Daddy This isn't right. This isn't how you play. "

He lifts my dress and pulls off my cinderella panties.

"No daddy, you're not allowed to touch me there" I say trying to push him away.

He held me down as I screamed in pain and slid into my body, without warning . My screams went mute and I went numb, detaching myself from my body, floating somewhere in space. When he finished he got up and rubbed my head.

"Daddy's little princess" he said, and after, he left.

I couldn't use the bathroom for weeks, and my mother took me to the hospital. They did a rape kit on my princess parts and found nothing. I told them that it wasn't my special part but the other part. They did nothing; My mother knew he did it, but had no proof. She killed him, and herself after they fought for the last time.

"No more bad man" she smiled at me and held the loaded gun to her head.


My eyes glide open to the sound of the heart rate monitor. The room is completely white and my mind is hazy from sleep. I hear Angela's voice, but I don't see her and a wave of tiredness shoots through me.

"Mommy?" I call out.

"She's up, she's up. " her voice exclaims. She stands in front of me with her hands to her mouth. "How are you feeling sweetie?"

"I'll go get the nurse" Tez says, her voice travels out of the room.

"Mommy, I missed you. Where am I?"

I begin to sit up and she lays me back down.. "No. You stay down for me"

My mind races with images of me flying through the glass. I turn my head and tilt it into the mirror across from my bed revealing bandaged cuts on my body. Great. I sit up again, this time with a headache almost overtaking my entire head. Tez and the nurse come back and Ray gets up from the seat.

"Jahturi I'm so sorry. " She apologizes.

"It's not your fault. It was mine"

"we're going to keep you here for a little longer to run some tests, then after you're free to go."

She presses my scalp.

"Does that hurt?" she questions.

"No ma'am "

She dabs blood from my forehead. The nurse smelled like blood, or maybe it was my blood, a very metallic smell.

Are you my favorite girl?

Time freezes as my father's figure sits on the bed next to me. I back away until there's no bed left, falling off screaming.

Are you baby?

"Jahturi! Are you okay?" My mom rushes to my aid but I'm still screaming with my eyes shut tight.

"GO AWAY!!!" I shout. "GO AWAY!"

He arms shake me back to reality and my tear stained cheeks showcase my embarrassment. She helps me back up onto the bed and everyone stares at me with wide-eyes. Angela rubs my head and the leaves room along with Ray.

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