Chapter 4 : First time

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***Michelle in media***

It's been three months since the party, and Tez and I have been sleeping with each other every night. Her arms always secured me into her, and my head always on her chest. I always end up burying my head into her neck and her head leans against the top of mine. This was my favorite part of the night.

I open my eyes and see Tez isn't next to me. I look around and she's in the bathroom brushing her teeth. I walk into the bathroom and wrap my arms around her waist from behind, she smiles as I kiss the top of her shoulder.

"Good morning" I say.

"Good morning beautiful" she replies. It makes me smile extra hard and she rinses out her mouth kissing me softly.

I kiss her back and she makes a face.

"What?" I ask.

"Did you sleep well?" she questions.

"Yes, I slept really good- "

"Smells like it " she laughs and I frown.

I walk to my room and brush my teeth, she follows me and sits on my bed watching me. It's Thanksgiving break and Angela, Jerry and Hannah are away visiting family for the week. Tez stares at me.

"We going out tonight" she smirks.

"Where t-"

"Don't ask questions, just trust me " she smiles and walks out.

"Keep cutting me off and imma cut yo lips off negro!" I yell, only the sound of her chuckling answered.

I go downstairs and pour a bowl of cereal even though it just turned 4, scrolling through insta on my phone. My phone vibrates in my hand and I answer putting my headphones in.

"Bestiee where you been?" Michelle asks? "Ian forget bout that damn party did you have fun? Was it lit bitch? Did Tez pop yo cherry?? Fill a bish in!"

I giggled "Well first off, I got too drunk and apparently confessed my love for her girl" I say sarcastically, she squeals in excitement. "she brought me home and I threw up then after, we cuddled in bed until we fell asleep. We do that every night now "

She screams "BITCHHHHHHHHH!" she yells "Did she pop yo shit!? Hollon hollon accept my ft request"

I accept her facetime request and she smiles eagerly at me.

"Nooo she didn't okay!" I say into my headphone mic. "I'm still a Virgin Michelle"

She laughs as Tez walks into the kitchen, my eyes instantly float to her and I freeze, shyly. She licks her lips at me.

"Get dressed, we going somewhea" she demands.

I clear my throat and manage to mutter an "okay"

"flip the camera so I can see ha fine caramel ass witcho scary self" Michelle jokes on the phone.

I turn the camera swiftly so Tez doesn't notice as she fixes her hair in the mirror.

"Girl, she IS fine " Michelle mentions.
"Like fine fine, not like the fine you said Odell was back in third grade with the boogers in his nose. She fine FUH REAL"

"Shut up already Michelle!" I say blushing hard she laughs. I flip the camera back around and smile.

Tez comes over and takes an earbuds from my ear, putting it in her. She looks over at me.

" this ya bestie?" she asks and I nod.

"Yea I'm her bestieee!" Michelle buds in.

"Hey bestfriendd! "Tez says jokingly and walks away..

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