Chapter 11: Hard Goodbyes

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"Line up in your orders from yesterday's rehearsal. We have to get this show on the road, your families are waiting. " Our principal, Mr. Charlie announces.

I look in the mirror once more, making sure my cap and gown fits me like it did yesterday. Afterwards, I walk to my place in the front of the line and Tez grabs my hand from behind. She whispers into my ear trying to calm my nerves.

"It's okay, you got this. "

My palms are sweaty but I still manage to grip onto her. I've never been a fan of public speaking and I practiced in a mirror for weeks on end. The music starts and I walk to the X marked on the floor like we rehearsed. I'm met with the salutatorian of our class, and we part ways to different sides, sitting in our chairs. Tez sits next to me and my worries subside as she locks our fingers again.

When everyone is seated, Mr. Charlie stands before us at the microphone. He stares out at us before speaking.

"Good evening families and friends, ladies and gentlemen. " He trails off introducing himself and giving a motivational speech.

Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah

"We will now bring up our Valedictorian and salutatorian, Jahturi Mulann and Teziyah Cummins. " He states.

Cheering from our fellow graduates and the families in the crowed echoed in the large hall. Tez and I eyed each other, stood up,  then made our way up the stairs to the podium.

"And now a word from the valedictorian. "

My throat swells up with nervousness and Tez sensed it. Her grip on my hand tightened and she nods at me. I smile at her then turn my gaze unto the people in the crowd.

"Good evening fellow graduates and families. " I greet. "Before today I couldn't imagine what a high school graduation would look like. I bounced from foster home to foster home until I finally just stayed an orphan of the state. Though they schooled us,  we never held graduations for those who completed schooling or aged out.  But as I stand here with you all,  I've realized how much I've grown from that. How much we've all grown. Some of us grew up together. Some,  like myself, came late but was still welcomed by staff, students and the community. I believe I speak for all of us when I say none of this year was easy. There were fights, "

I look to Naomi who is in the crowd and I nod to her,  out of respect because I'm too much of a woman to hold grudges. I see that now.

"Drama, devastation and so much more. We've lost friends, acquired new ones, broke up with our spouses and found the loves of our lives and grew with each other." I said looking at a smiling Tez.

"Through all of the bad we had faculty who cared, and led us in the right direction. No matter how far we all go from Linketa Heights High School,  we'll always have the memories binding us together. We'll remember this day, our senior trip, our first time meeting each other and it'll draw us all back to this place. I'm not an orphan anymore, I came here dreading the thought of school and here I am on top. Here we are on top of all our baggage,  friends. On top of not having parents, being gay, being judged, being neglected and everything else that could sink is down, we rose above it. You all grew. Now it's time for another chapter of our lives and I know every single one of you are ready. I am too, thank you."

At some point I'd began crying and Tez hugs me as we move over for Charlie to speak.

"Wonderful. We will now ask that these two accept the award to graduate. "

Both Tez and I speak into the microphone.

"On behalf of the Linketa Heights graduating class of 2019, we accept this award. " we say in unison.

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