🧡🩷🩵💜S4 x Glasses💙

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I'm back sorry for the wait but I'm back with a new chapter and Just a reminder to you all characters in this book are 18 and over

Warning: this chapter might get to adorable :3 alright narrator start the story

It was a yet another chill evening in inkopolis, as we see Goggles talking to glasses about a secret he had been keeping, unaware that someone was around the corner.

Goggles: Hey Glasses there's something I need to tell you.

Glasses: Yeah well what is it, then.

Goggles: I need you to put your ear up to my face, cause it's a secret.

Glasses: Oh ok.

Skull: What are they saying.

Mask: I can't tell, craaap he's done.

Army: Hmmm, ah ha I have an idea!

Mask: what is it then teeeell us.

Army: Aloha you're good at kidnapping, I need you to get Glasses and bring him to our headquarters

Aloha: Okie dokie loki Army (pinkie pie meme)

~Time skip~

Glasses was making his way to his house until he heard a chuckle come from a alley, he went to check it out, he went into the alley and guess who he saw....

Glasses: Huh! Aloha what are yo-

Aloha: Get him boys.

Glasses was hit with a burst bomb full of sleeping gas, he inhaled to much to where the poor blue inkling fell. Glasses awoke to find his hands restrained to a wall and his feet shoeless taped up together.

Glasses: Where am I, why am I tied up, someone help me.

Army: No use trying to escape Glasses.

Glasses: W-What do you want from me.

Mask: We want yooouuu to teeell us something.

Glasses: I'll tell you anything just let me go.

Aloha: We want you to tell us the secret Goggles told you.

Glasses: What no I would never tell his secret, he trust me and I don't want to loose his trust.

Skull: Well I guess we have no choice but to make you talk, go get them Aloha.

Aloha left the room and came back with a box labeled 'torture tools',Glasses was starting to shiver a bit,he became more terrified when he saw the two brushes, a feather, and a vibration tool, that Aloha handed each to each S4 member.

Glasses: You wouldn't dare.

Army: Oh we would dare.

Glasses: You wouldn't.

Aloha: We would.

Glasses: N-n-no.

Mask: Yeeesss.

Glasses: You can't do this to me.

Skull: Oh we will do this to you.

The S4 crept towards glasses with the tools in their hands waiting to torture glasses as he started to struggle violently, Aloha quickly injected Glasses with a syringe.

Glasses: ow what did you just do to me?

Aloha: oh I just gave you something that would paralyze you for a bit.

Glasses tried to struggle but he couldn't, yet he could still feel his nerves, Glasses was again terrified.

Glasses: No not that anything but that please stay back don't do this wait stop noooo!!!

This part will get to adorable like I said above read this at your own risk so again you have been warned

Army and Skull pinned Glasses's elbows to the wall and used the feather and vibration tool on his upper body, making glasses squeal with laughter, glasses tried to squirm away from them but he couldn't, glasses actually felt like he was being tort...

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Army and Skull pinned Glasses's elbows to the wall and used the feather and vibration tool on his upper body, making glasses squeal with laughter, glasses tried to squirm away from them but he couldn't, glasses actually felt like he was being tortured he wanted it to stop.

Army: ready to talk now Glasses?

Glasses: nohoho i won't tell hahahahahahaha  hahahahahahaha!

Skull: well then more torture for you, Mask, Aloha.

Aloha: ok.

Aloha and Mask went to Glasses feet and started using the brushes on his soles, Glasses was screaming with laughter, but he had a weird feeling somewhere in his body that made him feel bubbly, like he enjoyed it but the rest of his body resisted that feeling.

Glasses: please stahap hahahahahahaha I can't take it anymore!

Army: oh you can't? Well if you tell us Goggles's secret we'll stop.

Glasses: never hahahahahahaha I won't talk hahahaha!

Army: well then let's give him total torture.

Army started to unbutton Glasses shirt and used the feather to tickle his chest Glasses was still wanting struggle but he still couldn't Glasses felt like begging for this to stop.

Skull: not a bad idea Army.

Skull used the vibration tool on his stomach, Glasses couldn't bare it anymore and surrendered.

Glasses: ok ok I'll talk I'll talk hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha just stop please stop!

Skull: ok boys give him a break.

The rest of the S4 stopped

Glasses: haa..haa..ok I'll talk, goggles secret is that he has a crush on one of you guys there I said it now please let me go.

Skull: we will but you can't talk about this to anyone.

Glasses: ok I wil- ow! hey what was that for?

Glasses felt Aloha inject him with another syringe.

Aloha: this stuff will unparalyze you.

Glasses: oh thank cod.

Aloha: and it will put you to sleep.

Glasses: wait wha-

But before he could say a thing poor Glasses fell asleep. He later on woke up in his bedroom at blue team's headquarters.

Glasses: where am I? I was S4's headquarters and now I'm here it was probably just a bad dream.

...or was it?

Wow this took a long time I'm proud of myself right now but anyhoo thank you my peeps 😎

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