Chapter 13 - Charlie's Angels

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After Riley composed herself, we started walking back towards the dance floor. From the corner of my eye I saw Lucas chatting up a new girl, "what?" Riley mouthed with a confused expression on her face as I stopped in my tracks. "I'm not letting another guy get away with spreading rumors about me" I thought to myself suddenly feeling confident.

Once we walked up to them, "sorry" I said to the girl while grabbing the drink off her hand and chucking it at Lucas' face, "lying to your friends about having sex with me is really pathetic" I said in a condescending tone, "what the fuck?" He yelled stepping closer to me, "do we have a problem here?" the bartender asked, "this bitch threw a drink at me" he explained before giving me a glare.

Riley was ready to pounce so I held onto her arm in an attempt to keep her from getting us kicked out for fighting, "actually she was just standing here and when she turned around she bumped into him since he was standing so close like a creep" the girl I stole the drink from intervened, "drink spilled, simple mistake" she concluded while shrugging her shoulders. Both Riley and I tried to hide our grins, "fuck you" Lucas said before storming away.

 Both Riley and I tried to hide our grins, "fuck you" Lucas said before storming away

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Charlie Maddox - Olivia Holt

"Thank you" I said smiling at the girl who covered for me, "no problem, he was an ass anyway" she said after rolling her eyes, "I'm Vanessa and this is Riley" I introduced us, "Charlie" she replied, "drinks on me, I owe you one" I said to her before ordering a round of vodka and orange juice.

"Want to dance with us?" Riley asked after Charlie told us the friend she came with abandoned her by going off with some random guy, as she always did, "I'd love to" she replied with a grateful smile.

Back on the dance floor us girls were having a great time. A couple of guys did try to dance with us, but we stuck together and danced with each other instead, grinding and busting some silly moves every once in a while. No guys, no drama, just each other's company and the music.

After a good couple of hours, "are you guys hungry?" Charlie asked making me grin in response. As soon as we exited the club, the night cool air hit me in the face making me feel more sober, "oh the guys are over there" Riley said while looking into the direction of a nearby bench, "you know that guy?" Charlie asked, "the one in the white t-shirt?" I asked referring to Dylan, "he's cute" she said after nodding. Riley and I exchanged a look and smirked as we mentally agreed to set them up with our amazing matchmaking skills.

After walking up to them, "hey guys" Riley said, "this is Charlie" she introduced her with a mischievous grin. While the boys introduced themselves I looked at Xander who, to my disappointment, was doing a great job at keeping his distance and avoiding me. "Let's go get food!" Riley said while linking one arm with mine and the other with Charlie's.

Being almost 3 am, not many places were open. Luckily we found a food truck parked not too far from the club. Once we all had our orders we walked back to the bench. Us girls sat down while Xander walked towards another bench and naturally, the twins followed.

Ignoring that, "are you here on holiday?" I asked Charlie before biting into my burger, "yeah, you too?" She asked and I nodded in response as my mouth was full. "Are you from England?" Riley asked, "yeah, Hastings, what about you guys?" She asked back while munching on fries, "Nessie is in London while the rest of us are in Brighton" Riley replied, "I'm guessing Nessie is Vanessa" Charlie said while smiling at me and I smiled back.

"What's the deal with the guys?" She asked smirking, "nothing, the one with the tattoos is my step-brother and the other two are his mates" Riley replied casually. Charlie looked from me to Riley and back at me, "no romance?" She asked, "I do have a crush on Jake but he has a girlfriend so I'm going to forget about him" she said the last part while looking at me.

I looked back at Riley and smiled, "do you have a special someone in your life?" I quickly asked Charlie hoping she wouldn't realize I didn't answer her, "nope, my last boyfriend cheated on me so I've been reluctant to put my trust in anyone" she confessed. Riley and I exchanged a look and both went in for a hug, "this isn't necessary you guys!" Charlie said while laughing, "you love it really" Riley joked before we all laughed.

After the group hug, "soooo" Jake said after walking up to us, "Dylan just passed out on the bench so we're going to have to carry him home" he said before rolling his eyes. I could see Charlie looking at Dylan's passed out ass with an amused and interested look on her face, "you guys go ahead and we'll meet you back home" Riley said before turning her back to Jake, "I can't leave you alone here" he said after grabbing her arm, "it'll be fine, I got my girls with me" she said smiling at us.

Jake looked as if he wanted to say something else but decided against it, "alright be careful" he said before hesitantly leaving and waving goodbye. "You ok Ry?" I asked her in a low voice in case he heard, "yeah, I just don't want to give him a chance to lead me on anymore" she said with a smile but a sad expression, "besides, we can't leave Charlie alone" she said with a grin, "that's very true" I replied while Charlie smiled, "where to next?" She asked getting up from the bench.

By the time we came back home it was past 6am.
After the guys left we walked to the beach and sat there talking. We talked about anything and everything, including our experiences at university, past relationships and funny stories. Before getting the taxi back home, we dropped off Charlie at her hotel and exchanged numbers to keep in touch, "thank you for letting me in your dynamic duo" Charlie joked, "we're like the Charlie's Angels now!" Riley said excited as she pulled us both in a group hug making us laugh.

"Night girl!" Riley said while heading straight to her room, "night Ry" I replied before heading for the kitchen for a glass of water. I heard a door open and a minute later Xander walked in dressed for a hike, the hike we were supposed to be going to together. As soon as he saw me he stared at me with a blank expression on his face before turning around ready to leave, "wait!" I whisper yelled not wanting to wake anyone up. He didn't say anything, didn't even look at me, he just walked away as if I was nothing.

Feeling hurt and defeated I went to bed to catch some sleep.

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