Chapter 2 - The ketchup Bottle

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"I'm Vanessa, but you can call me Nessie if you like" I introduced myself trying to avoid eye contact with Alexander Storm, Xander for short.

We were all standing around the kitchen island introducing ourselves and I would be lying if I said I didn't feel awkward after staring into each other's eyes like that, but I was determined to act natural and keep my cool, "nice to meet you Nessie, I'm Jake and as you can see, this is my twin brother Dylan" the twin with the piercing said with a soft smile.

"Nessie like the Lock Ness' Monster?" Dylan asked in a curious yet amused tone, "yeah, that's right" I confirmed laughing while both Riley and Jake rolled their eyes. Xander was just standing there like a piece of furniture with muscles. "We were going to food shop, shall we just buy things as a group?" Riley asked earning a unison of nods and a mix of 'yeah'.

Us girls got in one car and the guys in another, off we went to the closest grocery shop. "What do you think of the guys?" Riley suddenly asked while keeping her eyes on the road, "they seem nice" I replied not sure what else to say as I've only just met them. After a couple of minutes of silence, "I have a crush on Jake" she said this in almost a whisper I barely heard her, "you what?" I asked in order to confirm what I think I heard.

"I have a crush on Jake" she repeated a bit louder after a bit of hesitation, "why do you seem upset about it?" I asked concerned, "because he has a girlfriend" she said while quickly glancing at me with a sad expression on her face, "oh Ry" I squeezed her shoulder in support, "don't worry, we'll find you a sexy Spanish guy in no time!" I said attempting a wink but failing which, to my relief, made her laugh.

"I think Nessie and Xander should be in charge of meals and the rest of us can sort out snacks, drinks and household essentials" Riley suggested once we regrouped in the car park, "and why is that?" I asked with an eyebrow raised while Mr Statue just stood there in silence again, "because you're the best cooks here" she explained as if it was obvious, "I can't cook but I'd be happy to help" as Jake said that I could see Riley's eyes light up.

"Thanks Jake but I don't mind doing the cooking as long as you guys help out with the dishes?" I asked to no one in particular but both the twins and Riley agreed, "I'll help" Xander said startling me a little bit, I forgot he could speak, "with the cooking I mean" he clarified after nobody said a word, "ok then, it's a plan, go team!" Riley cheered before marching towards the entrance with the twins following behind. Xander and I exchanged a look before catching up to them.

"Why did they have to leave us alone?! Ok Nessie, act casual" I mentally gave myself a pep talk as Xander was pushing the trolley close behind me. The others abandoned us to get drinks and whatever else Riley said, but it was awkward with just the two of us, he wasn't much of a talker.

"I think we should have a BBQ tonight" he said interrupting my thoughts, "oh yeah, that'd be great" I quickly replied while glancing back at him, "ugh! Why do I feel so tense? He's just a guy, a very attractive one, that's all..." I mentally cursed in frustration. 15 minutes later we pretty much had everything we needed for the BBQ and a few extra things for breakfast and random meals for the following days.

Last on the list, condiments. Xander got Mayo and Mustard without any problems, but me on the other hand couldn't reach the shelves. As I was tiptoeing as much as I could to reach the damn ketchup bottle, I heard his sexy laugh from behind me followed by the feeling of a body pressing against me ever so slightly.

I looked up to see Xander reaching for the bottle. Him being this close made my heart beat fast and I automatically bit my lip in response. I was then once again hypnotized by his intense gaze as he looked down at me. We stayed like that for a while until he grabbed the bottle and walked towards the trolley as if nothing happened.

I followed behind still determined to keep my cool, "that's everything  I think" I said with confidence or at least tried, "let's go find the others" he said before wheeling the trolley away.

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