Strong for you

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Shinichi stared wide eyed at the magician he hadn't seen since an eternity. With wide spreaded arms he stood in front of him, shielding him, laughing just as carefree as he remembered it.
KID cooed these meaningful words like he had always done and it brought a nostalgic feeling into both detectives' guts. Somewhere deep down inside this mind was Kuroba Kaito, waiting for his chance to come back and take over what was once his.
Shinichi began to cry without a noise. So much time without the KID, so much time without a chance to be close to him, so many things which could have happened to him... he remembered the bulletholes inside his room, the days without any sign of his existence...
But there he stood, arms wide open, moonlight illuminating him like a mystical being. There he was, Kaitou KID, the man he loved with all his heart and whose insanity he endured to find a cure against the suggestions this assassine had planted into his mind.

Spider narrowed his gun and tilted his head, the three mechanical eyes glimming dangerously red. KID had stepped into his aim, prevented him to shoot and was now glaring at him with the same cold smile he had seen the first day on his lips.
"KID? What is the meaning of this?"
Hakuba gasped, hiding his face inside his large duffelcoat, "Look away Kudo!!"
Shinichi gasped and squeezed his eyes shut, well aware of what was going on. Spider was hypnotizing KID and he couldn't do anything against it. Shinichi felt weak, so incredible weak and foolish.
"Isn't he your target? Kudo Shinichi?"
KID stared at the masked man, eyes wide open and a wicked smile covering his face.
"Yes, he is."
"Kill him..." Spider demanded, "Kill him! You know you want it."
"I want to kill him. I want to torment him, torture him, take his body piece by piece apart and the ravish him all over again. I want to make him scream, cry, beg for his life and then take it from him. But..."
KID licked his lips hungrily, then flashed a glance back at the two detectives who covered their eyes as good as possible. It was pathetic to watch, the great Kudo Shinichi was on his knees, tears ran down his cheeks, he was covered in bruises and blood but dear god, it was so beautiful.
"Meitantei is fascinating... it would be a shame to kill him. I wouldn't hear his bloodcurdled screams any longer... those delicious whimpers... see the pink pulsing flesh underneath his skin..."
KID breathed out a dreamy sigh which sounded like a moan, then concentrated back onto the dangerous assassine.

Hakuba and Shinichi both began to tremble as they heard the loud click of a gun. Was this the end? They couldn't just simply attack into nowhere, on top of the building one wrong step could have meant their end. They were going to die this very day. Spider had a gun, Shinichi wasn't able to keep himself on his legs and Hakuba was still in shock to see his old classmate like this.
"KID run! It's fine!" Shinichi begged on the ground, rudely interrupted by his tiny sobs. Pain, guilt and relief mixed together to create these salty tears on his flustered cheeks and KID was loving all of it.
"I can't allow you to hurt my Meitantei... He is mine... M-mine...~!"
KID started to cackle again, loud and insane and Hakuba felt the tiny hairs on his nape raising in horror. Spider clenched his teeth and took a step back, red eyes glowing brighter.
"Why isn't it working?! Kill him!! Kill him, KID!"
Shinichi gasped and opened his eyes to see KID still in front of him, still shielding him. KID hadn't budged, hadn't betrayed him. But once he caught a glympse of the demonic, mechanical eyes, he fell almost immediately into the same trance from before. He felt about to suffocate, being swallowed by eternal pain and horror. KID's breath hitched.
"You know, Spider... We Kaitou are possessive. And if you touch something that belongs to us... harm it... even look at it..."
Hakuba froze, pale as a sheet of paper, holy fuck, KID wouldn't-?!
"KID DON'T!!" he screamed as a gunshot split the air around them.

The magician in white kept laughing as the male in front of him collapsed, wide indigo eyes glaring gleefully down onto the streams of blood which flowed out of the assassine's body and painted the roof a brilliant shade of red. Shinichi stared down at the unmoving Spider, then slowly looked up towards the merry Kaitou. Hakuba didn't look less shocked, he seemed on the verge of passing out.
"K-KID... S-Spider... S-Spider could have lifted the suggestions he planted into your mind... He was your chance to return back to normal..."
Kaitou KID grinned possessively and turned around, then crouched down and lifted Shinichi up into his arms. The man replied with a shy smile and blushed as the KID licked slowly the trail of hot tears up, then kissed his Meitantei's eyelid.
"You are mine, Meitantei...~ Forever and ever... mine... forever and ever, forever~!" KID sang, then flashed a displeased glance at the twisted leg of his trembling detective, "But Spider broke your leg... mean, mean! I guess I'll have to break it too so it's equal again!"
Shinichi paled but KID pressed a gentle kiss onto his temple, voice a mere whisper which sent warm chills down his spine, "Don't worry... I'm here..."

Shinichi closed his eyes, body becoming lax in KID's strong arms while the white phantom opened his wings and leaped off of the large building, leaving Hakuba behind. He didn't care about Hakuba any longer. Kuroba Kaito did, the old Kaitou KID did. But this KID never cared for anyone else than his Meitantei. Shinichi could imagine Hakuba's face, full of pain and regret as he watched them sailing away in the winter winds, he could imagine that Hakuba felt charity for him...
Forever and ever. Forever and ever.
Tears began to roll down Shinichi's already swollen cheeks but KID was already there, kissing each and every one away. KID was always going to be there. KID wasn't going to be cured. KID wasn't going to become Kuroba Kaito.


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