
15.9K 295 12

"There is a werewolf, outside. Killing people."

Inhaling deeply your eyes fluttered for a while. Focusing your vision on your friends chocolate eyes. The incidents of your home city has put everyone on edge.

The streets were cleared out before sunset. Police patrolled the streets routinely. People kept in contact with each other more than usual.

If there was anyone running around late at night they would stream live on their social media accounts.

Just made them feel safe. All the precautions that were being taken were still not enough to keep everyone safe.

Fliers of missing people continued to pile over others. Fliers stapled against the light poles or against walls. Walls were used as murals for the missing or the found dead. The homeless seemed to be the only ones who were not affected by this.

With the streets littering with fliers the homeless used them to start fires to keep warm.

To see the faces of those who may never be seen again burn for the poor struck an odd feeling to you.

Seemed like the city was slowly becoming a living hole of suffering.

Lifting your cup of coffee revealing the daily newspaper of a man missing in his 30s. Father of 3. Beloved husband and brother of just one now

"Doesn't that bother you, like at all?"

Drinking your cup of coffee you rested the mug down. It's just easier for you to look out through the window watching everyone rush out in a hurry. Getting in their cars, speed walking with their phones, riding on their skateboards.

Licking your lips you shut your eyes for a minute till everything was silent. Opening them up your friend was gone. She has been for a long time.

Looking at the empty seat in front of you, parted inches away from the table. Seems as if she was just sitting there. Telling you the exact same thing before she went missing on that same night.

She left in a hurry like everyone else. But never made it home.

Rubbing your open palm against your mouth you set your elbows on the table. Resting your forehead on your hands feeling the screams in your chest.

Her parents would call and call and you!
You, never answered. The silence has taken your mouth leaving you as a silent lifeless doll. What words would be said?

What could you say?

Who could you talk to? Who could you even express the real anger and the emotion roller coasters you go through?

Everyone acts like they can handle what you have to say. The moment you show them a peek of what's going on I'm your mind.
            You are seen as unstable.

"Time to close up." The waitress takes your coffee mug away.

Having a consuming minute of silence you let your hand rest on the newspaper. Crumbling it inside your fist.

It wasn't a mysterious monster or a werewolf that killed her. This missing man took her away. This beloved father of 3 was far beyond a human.

Offered to walk her home. Used her insecurities against her. Cornered her into an alleyway.
Knowing your friend as if she were your sister all you can do is think of her tearing face screaming out for help.

This city is rotten to the core you know someone must have heard but decided not to interfere. It makes your blood boil, nothing else bothers you more than bystanders.

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