Tony and Peter

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While shaking your box of Kit-Kats in an alley someone was crawling on the walls behind you. Turning around you were a bit nervous. "Carnage." You say softly shaking the box. 

A 17 year old boy was walking by with another man until he felt something different. 

Stopping he looked back at the alley. "What is it kid?" Stark asks. 

"I don't know Mr.Stark."

The box of chocolates shaking made him flinch a bit. "Carnage." You came from the other side of the trash can. "It's a woman, Mr.Stark." 

Tony squinted his eyes seeing you holding a box of Kit-Kats. "Uhm. Excuse me, mam." Tony and Peter stood at the entrance of the alley way. "Did you lose your kid?" Tony asks. 

Turning around you look at the young boy and we'll dressed Man. "Ugh. I'm looking for my cat, he's red. Very unusual." Peter and Tony exchange looks. 

"You do know chocolate is bad for cats." Tony says feeling suspicious. Shaking your head you continued to shake the box ignoring them. "Maybe I should." Tony holds Peters shoulder back. 

"Don't go into an alley with a woman shaking a chocolate box. That's how kids go missing."

They looked into each other's eyes trying to figure something out about you. "Excuse me." 

Tony and Peter jump back shocked from you standing in front of them. "Aaa, yeah. That's, that was creepy." Tony says quickly rubbing his chin.

Peter had his eyebrows furrowed with his mouth slightly open. 

"Excuse me." You say again as Peter and Tony move away letting you walk away with your head down. Defeated from not being able to find Carnage. 

Tony could hear you mumbling. "Maybe we can try the pound." 

"That could be it." 

Another voice responded to you.

"That was different." 

Tony looks down at Peter who's watching you walk away with your head down. "Mr.Stark, I couldn't sense her." 

He looks up at Tony whose sliding on his shades ready to do some research. "That could be our perp."

The one that shield sent them to investigate. 

Later on 8 at night you were on the rooftop crying with the box of Kit-Kats. "Are you alright?" 

Gasping you looked up seeing someone you didn't suspect to be here. "Spider Man?" He sat down beside you. "So what's going on? Did you get stuck up here? How did you get up here?" 

Yeah, to be on top of the Stratosphere Tower of Las Vegas isn't seen all the time. "I climbed." You say continuing to think of where Carnage could have gone. 

"How did you climb?" Peter looks down at the buildings below. 

"Were you planning on." He makes hand gestures of you jumping forward.

Smiling you shake your head. "If I did. It wouldn't let me." It being Venom. 

"Who?" Peter asks. "I'm sorry, uhm Spider Man? Right? What are you and that famous dude Tony Stark who's Iron Man doing here in Las Vegas?"

Spider Man rubbed the back of his neck. “Well I can’t really tell you anything without me getting in trouble.” Opening the box of Kit-Kats you look into it feeling heart broken. “Want some?” You hold the box out for him as he accepts some. “I heard about the avengers coming after me. But.” Rubbing your face you listen to Venom talking to you. 

“I am very upset with you so shut up!” 

Peter looked at you shocked. “No not you.” You say quickly. I’m talking to this thing that’s inside me.” 

Tony was watching, hearing everything from the bottom buildings. “Good job kid. Try to get her to talk.” Tony watched the surveillance videos of a big red creature running around the streets eating peoples heads. Two creatures to be in fact. Venom and Carnage. 

Ever since both symbiotes have appeared on the streets of Las Vegas crime has decreased tremendously. “Kid, be careful with her. She was kept in rikers awaiting for the needle but her attitude during court cut out her penalty. 

They transferred her to an asylum where she was kept until proven innocent. Apparently her victim Cletus Kasady claimed her innocent to a reporter, Eddie Brock.

Kasady was 4 cells away from hers.

Ginger took her fame and even described everything about the victims leaving her to being innocent. The judge who signed off on her release forms was Marcus Stello.”

You listened to everything Tony was saying through the earpiece that Peter had on his right ear. Raising your hand up your eyes shook while you bit down on your nail. 

“Eddie Brock is the current host of Venom. He was seen running around Las Vegas with the other red creature. Multiple accounts of them fighting, damaging cars, stores, buildings. But all traces of the red creature lead back to her. We have to get her or Venom out of these streets.”

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